
Increase user engagement, reduce bounce rates, and boost your conversion rates with Devox as your loyal front-end development agency. Let us provide a meticulously crafted and responsive design that will perform steadily across all devices and browsers.

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What is Front End Development

What is Front End Development

Front-end development focuses on creating client-side of the application or platform: these are user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). It involves designing and building the elements of a website that users interact with directly through their web browsers.

Front-end development encompasses everything a user sees, touches, and experiences when visiting a website, including the layout, design, content, and interactivity.

Our Services

Front End Development Services We Provide

Let us cover the nuances of Front End Development for you seamlessly.

  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript development

    We can provide a pure HTML/CSS-based front-end. It involves creating a static landing page with fixed content, optimized for SEO and different screen sizes. Using HTML 5.0, CSS 3.0, and JavaScript ES6 stack.

  • Single-page development (SPA)

    Get a single HTML page that will dynamically update content as the user interacts with it, minimizing page refreshes for a smoother experience. Working with React, Angular, and Vue frameworks.

  • Progressive web app development (PWA)

    Upgrade your SPA to PWA for a small additional cost within one project or get it developed from scratch. Enable offline access, faster load times, and installability, while taking the easiest way to make your app available for mobile.

  • Mobile app front-end

    The Devox team leverages the potential of React Native, Ionic and Flutter frameworks to create front-end for cross-platform or native mobile apps.

  • Legacy front-end modernization

    We help update an older or outdated front-end codebase to make it more modern, efficient, and effective. Our team picks an appropriate front-end framework for the project, considering the size of the codebase and its complexity.

Design Thinking We Adopt

Design Thinking We Adopt

Design thinking is an approach to developing product’s UI/UX. As a full-stack front-end development company that pays extra attention to aesthetics and user satisfaction, Devox adopts a design thinking approach, emphasizing empathy, user-centeredness, creativity, and collaboration. This is how we tackle complex problems and harness innovation for your next app, regardless of its purpose and complexity – all to make a truly user-friendly product that brings value to your clients.

  • Discovery/Empathizing

    We get acquainted with your project requirements and needs, seeking to understand your audience and shape design goals accordingly. At this stage, we put an emphasis on empathy, striving to understand the field and set tasks for further research.

  • Research/Definition

    This is when we paint a portrait of your potential user, answering all the related questions about them. We construct user persona, define the role objectives, calculate challenges and spot the pains. You will get a competitive analysis and a customer journey map.

  • Ideation

    It’s time for ideas generation: you can join us in this process or fully delegate it to us. We’re working out a structure and layout, delivering wireframes, user flow, information architecture, business model canvas and value proposition canvas.

  • Prototype

    This stage is where the creativity takes physical shape. We deliver mockups and storyboards, developing a custom style with style-picked color palettes and typography. Eventually, you will get a clickable prototype that your users may check and give feedback on even before the application is developed, UI style guide, motion and design system.

  • Test

    Finally, we monitor user behavior to understand what works in terms of design and what doesn’t. We form focus groups and use different tracking tools, conducting different types of testing (A/B testing, usertesting, screen-tracking) and thoroughly gathering feedback.

Our Process

Our Front End Development Process

The software development life cycle is the same for every application or product. See how we approach Front End Development: we’ve built a detailed and well-tuned structure not to miss anything.


01. Wireframing and Design

We create wireframes or mockups of the user interface to visualize the layout, structure, and content placement. After you approve them, we develop the visual design, including the selection of colors, typography, images, and other design elements. You will get high-fidelity mockups or prototypes, followed by full UI/UX app design.


02. Setup CI/CD pipeline

Implementing a CI/CD pipeline automates code management, quality checks, and deployments. We choose a version control system, set up a CI server (e.g., Jenkins, Travis CI, GitHub Actions), and create automated deployment pipelines for staging and production. Rollback mechanisms are included for deployment failures.


03. UI Development

Implementing interactivity and functionality using JavaScript and front-end frameworks depending on the solution in question. Ensuring the UI complies with web accessibility standards, such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), by providing proper HTML structure, alt text for images, and keyboard navigation.


04. Connect Backend

Integrating appropriate backend solution -CMS, API, Low Code or No Code Platforms, Serverless or Customly build backend based on requirements of the project.


05. Performance Optimization

Optimizing the front-end code, images, and assets to improve page load times and overall performance. This process involves code minification, image compression, and lazy loading.


06. Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing

We’re testing the front-end on various web browsers and across different devices (desktop, tablet, smartphone) to ensure consistent functionality, compatibility and appearance. Checking for responsiveness, identifying and fixing any bugs or issues, and making sure the ready solution aligns with the project goals and objectives.


07. Release

Finally, we prepare the front-end code for deployment to a web server or hosting environment. Ensuring that all files and assets are properly configured and optimized for production.


08. Monitoring and Maintenance

Continuously monitoring the front-end performance and user feedback after launch. We make updates, fixes, and improvements as needed to address any issues or changes in requirements, if you have any.

  • 01. Wireframing and Design

  • 02. Setup CI/CD pipeline

  • 03. UI Development

  • 04. Connect Backend

  • 05. Performance Optimization

  • 06. Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing

  • 07. Release

  • 08. Monitoring and Maintenance

Technologies We Use

Technologies We Use

We’re making your Front End Development up for scales by design with the modern tech stack. See what we work with.

  • Back End

    • NestJS
    • Flask
    • Django
    • Express.js
    • .NET
    • PHP
    • Ruby
    • Java Spring
    • Python
    • Node.js
  • Front End

    • Next.js
    • Svelte
    • Vue.js
    • Angular
    • React.js
    • PWA
    • TypeScript
    • JavaScript 
    • HTML/CSS
  • DevOps & Cloud

    • Datadog
    • Grafana
    • Kubernetes
    • Podman
    • Docker
    • Google Cloud
    • Azure
    • AWS
    • Terraform
    • GitLab CI/CD
  • Database Development

    • MariaDB
    • Redis
    • Cassandra
    • MongoDB
    • Oracle DB
    • SQL Server
    • PostgreSQL
    • Elasticsearch
    • MySQL
  • Web 3

    • EVM
    • Arbitrum
    • NOWNodes
    • Web3.js
    • Hardhat
    • Ethers.js
    • OpenZeppelin
    • Chainlink
    • Truffle
    • Moralis
  • Artificial Intelligence

    • DL4J
    • Chainer
    • OpenCV
    • CNTK
    • Caffe
    • Theano
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Patterns We Choose for Front End Development

Patterns We Choose for Front End Development


MVC (Model-View-Controller)

A design pattern mostly used in web applications that separates the app into 3 interconnected components: Model (data and business logic), View (user interface), and Controller (mediator between Model and View, handling user input).


Modular Architecture

An approach that organizes a software system into separate, self-contained modules. Each module focuses on a specific functionality or a feature, making the system easier to develop, maintain, and scale.


Micro Frontends

An architectural pattern that extends the microservices concept to the front-end. It involves breaking down the user interface into smaller, independent modules or applications that can be developed, deployed, and scaled separately. Each micro frontend typically has its own technology stack.


Component Architecture

A design approach that structures software systems as a collection of reusable, self-contained components. Each component represents a piece of functionality and can be combined to build more complex applications. This concept is commonly used in front-end development with frameworks like React and Angular.


Dumb-Smart Components

In component-based frameworks, "Dumb" and "Smart" components describe two types of components. Dumb components (also known as "Presentational" or "UI" components) are primarily responsible for rendering user interface elements. Smart components (also known as "Container" components) handle business logic, data fetching, and state management.


State Management

The process of managing and maintaining the data and application state in a software system. It involves storing and updating information, such as user input, application settings, or data retrieved from external sources. Effective state management is crucial for maintaining a consistent and responsive user experience.

What You’ll Get With Optimized Front End

What You’ll Get With Optimized Front End


Leverage Responsive Design

Devox team constructs the layout in diligent accordance with Gang-of-4 principles: we leverage responsive design techniques, ensuring that your content provides a consistent experience across all devices and offers an understandable user path. You will get intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces, making it easier for users to navigate and interact with your website or app. Simplify the user journey, reduce friction, and encourage users to take desired actions, increasing conversion rates at once.

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Achieve Cross-Device Compatibility

Well-done front-end development services ensure that your web platform or app works seamlessly across various devices, adapting to various screen sizes, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones, and increasing your reach and accessibility. Adopting a mobile-first approach, we focus on progressive UX buildup, touch-friendliness, and cross-device consistency by prioritizing dynamic values. Leverage faster load times and smoother interactions, keeping your user in mind.

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Become SEO-Friendly

If SEO optimization and search engine work matters for your product, we engage server-side rendering, which is the most efficient technology in the realm of SPA to support robot crawling. We use SPA but we can render it on the server. Get better search engine rankings, improving your project visibility in search results.

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Scale Naturally

Well-structured front-end code makes it easier to scale your product or application as your business grows, allowing for the addition of new features and content without major disruptions. To achieve this, we employ design patterns for competent code to make it easier for developers to work with it in the future.

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Leverage Responsive Design

Devox team constructs the layout in diligent accordance with Gang-of-4 principles: we leverage responsive design techniques, ensuring that your content provides a consistent experience across all devices and offers an understandable user path. You will get intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces, making it easier for users to navigate and interact with your website or app. Simplify the user journey, reduce friction, and encourage users to take desired actions, increasing conversion rates at once.


Achieve Cross-Device Compatibility

Well-done front-end development services ensure that your web platform or app works seamlessly across various devices, adapting to various screen sizes, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones, and increasing your reach and accessibility. Adopting a mobile-first approach, we focus on progressive UX buildup, touch-friendliness, and cross-device consistency by prioritizing dynamic values. Leverage faster load times and smoother interactions, keeping your user in mind.


Become SEO-Friendly

If SEO optimization and search engine work matters for your product, we engage server-side rendering, which is the most efficient technology in the realm of SPA to support robot crawling. We use SPA but we can render it on the server. Get better search engine rankings, improving your project visibility in search results.


Scale Naturally

Well-structured front-end code makes it easier to scale your product or application as your business grows, allowing for the addition of new features and content without major disruptions. To achieve this, we employ design patterns for competent code to make it easier for developers to work with it in the future.

Case Studies

Our Latest Works

View All Case Studies
Juriba Juriba
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • Cloud
  • DevOps & Infrastructure

Enterprise Digital Workplace Management Platform

Juriba is a broad system providing end-to-end automation and smart workflows required to manage large IT projects. With advanced features like seamless integration with existing tools, smart automation and data-driven dashboards and reports, it’s specifically tailored to digital solutions production.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • .NET 6
  • MS SQL
  • Redis
  • Angular
  • NgRx
  • RxJS
  • Kubernetes
  • Elasticsearch

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Joynd Joynd
  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • Cloud & DevOps

Streamlining HR tools for efficiency

Joynd is a system that integrates different HR tools into one platform, allowing client companies to leverage the potential of different software within a single platform. The software connects companies who wish to use HR software from one side and such technical providers from the other side. It allows for a quick and effective integration with multiple suppliers.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • Angular
  • NgRx
  • RxJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • .NET Core
  • PostgreSQL
  • AWS
  • Docker


Nabed Nabed

Bridging MedTech and MarTech for Enhanced Patient Engagement

Nabed is a SaaS platform at the crossroads of MedTech and MarTech. It enables caregivers to engage with patients using comprehensive, personalized educational content for better healthcare outcomes.

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Lebanon Lebanon

and over 200 our featured partners and clients

Awards & Certifications

Industry Contribution Awards & Certifications

Check Devox Software Awards on rating & review platforms among top software development companies and Certifications our team members holds.

  • Awards
  • Certifications
  • UpWork


  • Clutch


  • The Manifest

    The Manifest

  • DesignRush



  • Clutch


  • Clutch


  • AppFutura


  • Clutch


  • GoodFirms


  • DesignRush


  • UpWork


  • Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

    Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

  • Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

    Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

  • ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

    ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

  • ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

    ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

  • Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

    Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

    Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

  • Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

    Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

  • Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

    Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

  • Java Development Certified Professional

    Java Development Certified Professional

  • JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

    JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

  • Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

    Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

  • Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate

    Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate




The solutions they’re providing is helping our business run more smoothly. We’ve been able to make quick developments with them, meeting our product vision within the timeline we set up. Listen to them because they can give strong advice about how to build good products.

Carl-Fredrik Linné
Tech Lead at CURE Media
Darrin Lipscomb
United States

We are a software startup and using Devox allowed us to get an MVP to market faster and less cost than trying to build and fund an R&D team initially. Communication was excellent with Devox. This is a top notch firm.

Darrin Lipscomb
CEO, Founder at Ferretly
Daniel Bertuccio

Their level of understanding, detail, and work ethic was great. We had 2 designers, 2 developers, PM and QA specialist. I am extremely satisfied with the end deliverables. Devox Software was always on time during the process.

Daniel Bertuccio
Marketing Manager at Eurolinx

We get great satisfaction working with them. They help us produce a product we’re happy with as co-founders. The feedback we got from customers was really great, too. Customers get what we do and we feel like we’re really reaching our target market.

Trent Allan
CTO, Co-founder at Active Place
United Kingdom

I’m blown up with the level of professionalism that’s been shown, as well as the welcoming nature and the social aspects. Devox Software is really on the ball technically.

Andy Morrey
Managing Director at Magma Trading
Vadim Ivanenko

Great job! We met the deadlines and brought happiness to our customers. Communication was perfect. Quick response. No problems with anything during the project. Their experienced team and perfect communication offer the best mix of quality and rates.

Vadim Ivanenko
United States

The project continues to be a success. As an early-stage company, we're continuously iterating to find product success. Devox has been quick and effective at iterating alongside us. I'm happy with the team, their responsiveness, and their output.

Jason Leffakis
Founder, CEO at Function4

We hired the Devox team for a complicated (unusual interaction) UX/UI assignment. The team managed the project well both for initial time estimates and also weekly follow-ups throughout delivery. Overall, efficient work with a nice professional team.

John Boman
Product Manager at Lexplore
Tomas Pataky

Their intuition about the product and their willingness to try new approaches and show them to our team as alternatives to our set course were impressive. The Devox team makes it incredibly easy to work with, and their ability to manage our team and set expectations was outstanding.

Tamas Pataky
Head of Product at Stromcore
Stan Sadokov

Devox is a team of exepctional talent and responsible executives. All of the talent we outstaffed from the company were experts in their fields and delivered quality work. They also take full ownership to what they deliver to you. If you work with Devox you will get actual results and you can rest assured that the result will procude value.

Stan Sadokov
Product Lead at Multilogin
United Kingdom

The work that the team has done on our project has been nothing short of incredible – it has surpassed all expectations I had and really is something I could only have dreamt of finding. Team is hard working, dedicated, personable and passionate. I have worked with people literally all over the world both in business and as freelancer, and people from Devox Software are 1 in a million.

Mark Lamb
Technical Director at M3 Network Limited

Questions You May Have

  • What is the best language for front-end development?

    There is no single “best” language for front-end web development services as different languages are suited for different purposes and have their own strengths and weaknesses.

    At Devox Software, we use the most popular ones like JavaScript, HTML, and more.

  • Why is front-end needed?

    Front-end development is needed to create the user interface and user experience of a website or app. The front-end refers to the part of a website or application that the user interacts with directly. This includes the layout, design, and functionality of the user interface, such as buttons, forms, menus, and other visual elements.

    The front-end is important since it directly affects the user experience of a website or application. A well-designed and functional front end can make a website or application more user-friendly and easier to use, leading to higher user satisfaction and engagement.

  • What is more important: front-end or back-end?

    Both front-end and back-end development are equally important for building a successful website or application. They are complementary and work together to create a complete, functional system.

    Front-end developer services focus on creating the user interface and user experience of a website or application. It involves using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a visually appealing and interactive user interface that is optimized for different devices and screen sizes.

    On the other hand, back-end development concentrates on the server-side of a website or application. It entails developing the database architecture, logic, and algorithms that underpin the front end. This involves handling user data and transactions and building dynamic web sites using computer languages like Java,.NET, or PHP.

  • What frameworks do you choose for front-end development?

    We mostly use React, Angular, and Vue.js.

  • Why choose Angular for front-end development?

    There are the following reasons:

    • Сomponent-based architecture with reusable components
    • Using two-way data binding to reduce the amount of code you write
    • Mobile-first approach
    • Easy-to-write template syntax
    • Large community of active developers
    • Regular updates by the Google developers’ team
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