
Elevate your real-time inventory tracking with Devox as your next ordering management system developer. Streamline your order processing, navigate multiple sales channels with ease, and promote wise resource allocation with the power customization provides.

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How Can it Help My Business?

What is Order Management System and How Can it Help My Business?

An Order Management System (OMS) is a digital tool that helps businesses manage the entire process of receiving and fulfilling customer orders. It streamlines operations from when an order is placed to its delivery, ensuring there’s no mistaken positions, lost items, or any kind of inventory mismanagement. Functions-wise, it keeps the storage and orders organized, updates inventory in real-time, and gives valuable analytical insights, showing the business what works and what doesn’t.

While logistics software generally focuses on the movement and storage of goods (like how to get a product from the warehouse to the customer), an online ordering management system is more centered around the customer’s order. It’s more about ensuring the right product reaches the right customer at the right time, managing stock levels based on what customers are actually buying, and providing a smooth buying experience. While the rest of logistics software focuses on the product’s journey, an OMS is about the customer order’s journey.

Services We Provide

Order Management System Services We Provide

Order management system for restaurant, retail business and e-commerce, manufacturing, healthcare, or any other business? Devox can bring it to you. See what solutions we specialize in.

  • OMS Integration, Update or Scaling

    Let us broaden the functionality of your existing orders management system, give it a tech stack makeover to reduce downtime, or integrate it with other vital systems in your business ecosystem like CRM, ERP, or e-commerce platforms and third-party services (payment gateways, shipping carriers, etc) in case you had just purchased an off-the-shelf solution.

  • Enterprise OMS

    Get a distributed order management system for enterprises offer advanced features like integration with multiple sales channels, complex workflow automation, extensive reporting, and analytics capabilities. Devox can create a highly scalable and customizable solution to fit the intricate needs of your large-scale operations.

  • Cloud-based OMS

    Hosted on cloud servers, these systems offer the advantage of remote accessibility, scalability, and typically lower upfront costs. If your businesses is looking for flexibility and minimal on-premise infrastructure, our team can provide the full process from development to integration.

  • Industry-specific OMS

    Tailor your next software for the specific industry you work in. Be it retail, manufacturing, healthcare, or anything else, you will get features and integrations pertinent to the unique demands of each sector. We carefully study industry pains, update our regulations knowledge, and never miss out on UX research to provide a truly tailored experience.

  • E-commerce OMS

    Specifically designed for online retailers, the order management system for e-commerce integrates with e-commerce platforms and supports features like shopping cart integration, payment processing, and online customer service. Our team can also add the advanced customer behavior analytics that will provide valuable insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and product performance, aiding in strategic decision-making.

  • Inventory-focused OMS

    Up the game of inventory management, providing detailed insights into stock levels, reorder points, and warehouse management. The Devox-made OMS for inventory will boost warehouse integrations, enable detailed product information management and demand forecasting, and feature real-time inventory tracking.

  • Fulfillment-focused OMS

    Target the fulfillment process, optimizing packing, shipping, and logistics. You can integrate this OMS type closely with third-party logistics providers and shipping carriers. An integration like this will turn delivery management around, including generating shipping labels, tracking shipments, and calculating shipping costs.

Development Process

Our Order Management System Development Process

It’s not just classic SDLC: we pay close attention to every detail surrounding management order system development. We will include every custom feature, catering to your business’s convenience on the way.


01. Requirement Analysis and Planning

We’re beginning by identifying your business needs to understand the specific requirements, challenges, and goals regarding order management. This stage serves to define the scope of the OMS project, including the features, functionalities, and integrations needed. We also allocate the necessary resources, including a development team, budget, and timeline for the project.


02. UI/UX Design

Our team of designers starts working on the user interface. We focus on usability, accessibility, and user experience, basing our decisions on thorough UX research, user roles and their pains, and overall look and feel of your brand. Starting with wireframes, we gradually move on to the full-scale design, keeping your informed all the way.


03. Development and Integration

This stage includes architecture design, database design, and the actual coding. Firstly, we decide on a cloud-based or on-premise solution. Secondly, our team develops a database schema that efficiently handles data storage, retrieval, and integrity. Thirdly, our engineers begin the actual coding process, developing the various modules of the OMS as per the design specifications. If the integration is required, we conduct it at the final stage, connecting your newly-made solution with other business systems.


04. Testing

When the solution is finished, we run a number of tests to ensure its impeccable work. Our team starts with Unit Testing, ensuring each component or module functions correctly. Then we move on to Integration Testing, where we test the integration points to ensure seamless data flow between the OMS and other systems. Finally, our team conducts User Acceptance Testing (UAT): this testing type involves end-users to validate the functionality and usability of the system in real-world scenarios.


05. Implementation and Deployment

We deploy the order management systems software in the live environment, ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing business operations. If replacing an existing system, we finally migrate data to the new OMS.


06. Maintenance and Support

After the deployment, we provide post-launch support, offering to handle any immediate issues post-deployment. We also schedule updates and provide maintenance, which are the necessary enhancements for security and keeping up with changing business needs. Based on your feedback later, we stay in touch to scale the system if necessary.

  • 01. Requirement Analysis and Planning

  • 02. UI/UX Design

  • 03. Development and Integration

  • 04. Testing

  • 05. Implementation and Deployment

  • 06. Maintenance and Support

Logistics Software Integrations

Logistics Software Integrations

Order management system in e-commerce or any other business domain gets more efficient depending on the used tech stack. In Devox, one of our core values regarding development is quality code: this means there’s no room for a legacy stack in our work.

  • Back End

    • NestJS
    • Flask
    • Django
    • Express.js
    • .NET
    • PHP
    • Ruby
    • Java Spring
    • Python
    • Node.js
  • Front End

    • Next.js
    • Svelte
    • Vue.js
    • Angular
    • React.js
    • PWA
    • TypeScript
    • JavaScript 
    • HTML/CSS
  • DevOps & Cloud

    • Datadog
    • Grafana
    • Kubernetes
    • Podman
    • Docker
    • Google Cloud
    • Azure
    • AWS
    • Terraform
    • GitLab CI/CD
  • Database Development

    • MariaDB
    • Redis
    • Cassandra
    • MongoDB
    • Oracle DB
    • SQL Server
    • PostgreSQL
    • Elasticsearch
    • MySQL
  • Web 3

    • EVM
    • Arbitrum
    • NOWNodes
    • Web3.js
    • Hardhat
    • Ethers.js
    • OpenZeppelin
    • Chainlink
    • Truffle
    • Moralis
  • Artificial Intelligence

    • DL4J
    • Chainer
    • OpenCV
    • CNTK
    • Caffe
    • Theano

Benefits of Custom Order Management System

A B2B order management system resolves a number of challenges any business working with customers can face. See how exactly Devox can help you tackle them: it’s both your employees and your clients who will eventually be more satisfied.

  • Manage Multi-Channel Sales Easily

    Get hold of easier order coordination across multiple channels (online, in-store, mobile). Regardless of their types and quantity, an OMS centralizes order management within all the existing channels. It unlocks more accurate order fulfillment and efficient handling of orders, from placement to delivery.

  • Tap into Better Inventory Management

    Harness real-time visibility into inventory levels, letting the brand-new OMS manage your stock more effectively. You will reduce the chances of stockouts and overstocking, ensuring that the right products are available when needed.

  • Ease Multi-Location Fulfillment

    If you have a wide distribution network, leverage the capacities of a distributed order management system to ease the management of orders across numerous fulfillment locations, such as different warehouses, stores, or third-party vendors.

  • Make a Customer Happy

    Customers appreciate timely and accurate order fulfillment, and an OMS can provide them with real-time updates on their order status. Tap into this competitive advantage with sales order management systems, eliminating delays, errors, or even the slightest chance of mistaking an order.

  • Improve Financial Reporting and Analytics

    Track sales trends, identify best-selling products, and understand customer buying patterns effortlessly: with all order-related data in one place, keeping your finances under strain is easier. Moreover, this data can inform strategic decisions and improve financial reporting.

  • Reach Full Compliance and Boost Record-Keeping

    An online order management system helps in maintaining accurate records for compliance purposes. It tracks all activities related to orders, opening a way toward painless audits, solid compliance and adherence to regulatory standards, and remarkable company transparency.

Key Features

Key Features to Add to Your Custom Order Management System


Order Processing and Fulfillment

Automates the entire order processing cycle, from order receipt, verification, and processing, to packing, shipping, and delivery. It ensures orders are fulfilled accurately and efficiently.


Inventory Management

Provides real-time visibility into inventory levels across multiple locations or warehouses. It includes features for stock tracking, reorder alerts, and managing backorders.


Multi-Channel Integration

Supports integration with various sales channels such as e-commerce platforms, brick-and-mortar stores, and marketplaces. This ensures consistent and efficient order management across all channels.


Customer Management

Includes tools for managing customer information, order history, preferences, and communication. It can integrate with CRM systems for enhanced customer relationship management.


Payment and Billing Management

Manages invoicing, payment processing, and secure handling of customer payment information. It often includes support for multiple payment methods and currencies.


Shipping and Logistics Integration

Connects with shipping carriers and logistics providers for real-time shipping rates, label printing, and tracking of shipments.


Returns Management

Facilitates the handling of returns and exchanges, including tracking of returned items, refund processing, and updating inventory levels.


Data Analysis and Reporting

Offers reporting tools and analytics for insights into sales trends, order volume, customer behavior, inventory levels, and other key metrics.

Case Studies

Our Latest Works

View All Case Studies
Function4 Function4
  • website
  • management platform

Professional Event Ecosystem

Starting as a ticket selling website, Function4 grew to an all-in-one event management platform thanks to Devox’s help. It provides an ecosystem and data for comprehensive device setup, invitation and communication.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • Vue js
  • GSAP
  • Ruby
  • Azure


Social Media Screening Platform Social Media Screening Platform
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • Cloud Services
  • DevOps & Infrastructure

Social Media Screening Platform

The project is a web-based AI-powered platform for comprehensive social media background screening. Its supertask is to streamline potential employee background checks for companies, tackling employment risk management.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • .NET Core
  • Angular
  • Azure
  • Docker
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Selenium Web Driver


Real Estate Listing Project Real Estate Listing Project
  • Backend
  • Frontend & Mobile
  • DevOps & Infrastructure
  • Third-Party Integrations

Real Estate Listing Project

A property portal for renting and buying, our client offers a range of helpful features and mechanics to promote conscious and tailored housing choices.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • NET Core
  • MS SQL
  • ELK
  • Angular
  • React Native
  • NgRx
  • RxJS
  • Docker
  • GitLab CI/CD


and over 200 our featured partners and clients

Awards & Certifications

Industry Contribution Awards & Certifications

Check Devox Software Awards on rating & review platforms among top software development companies and Certifications our team members holds.

  • Awards
  • Certifications
  • UpWork


  • Clutch


  • The Manifest

    The Manifest

  • DesignRush



  • Clutch


  • Clutch


  • AppFutura


  • Clutch


  • GoodFirms


  • DesignRush


  • UpWork


  • Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

    Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

  • Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

    Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

  • ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

    ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

  • ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

    ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

  • Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

    Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

    Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

  • Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

    Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

  • Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

    Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

  • Java Development Certified Professional

    Java Development Certified Professional

  • JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

    JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

  • Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

    Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

  • Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate

    Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate




The solutions they’re providing is helping our business run more smoothly. We’ve been able to make quick developments with them, meeting our product vision within the timeline we set up. Listen to them because they can give strong advice about how to build good products.

Carl-Fredrik Linné
Tech Lead at CURE Media
Darrin Lipscomb
United States

We are a software startup and using Devox allowed us to get an MVP to market faster and less cost than trying to build and fund an R&D team initially. Communication was excellent with Devox. This is a top notch firm.

Darrin Lipscomb
CEO, Founder at Ferretly
Daniel Bertuccio

Their level of understanding, detail, and work ethic was great. We had 2 designers, 2 developers, PM and QA specialist. I am extremely satisfied with the end deliverables. Devox Software was always on time during the process.

Daniel Bertuccio
Marketing Manager at Eurolinx

We get great satisfaction working with them. They help us produce a product we’re happy with as co-founders. The feedback we got from customers was really great, too. Customers get what we do and we feel like we’re really reaching our target market.

Trent Allan
CTO, Co-founder at Active Place
United Kingdom

I’m blown up with the level of professionalism that’s been shown, as well as the welcoming nature and the social aspects. Devox Software is really on the ball technically.

Andy Morrey
Managing Director at Magma Trading
Vadim Ivanenko

Great job! We met the deadlines and brought happiness to our customers. Communication was perfect. Quick response. No problems with anything during the project. Their experienced team and perfect communication offer the best mix of quality and rates.

Vadim Ivanenko
United States

The project continues to be a success. As an early-stage company, we're continuously iterating to find product success. Devox has been quick and effective at iterating alongside us. I'm happy with the team, their responsiveness, and their output.

Jason Leffakis
Founder, CEO at Function4

We hired the Devox team for a complicated (unusual interaction) UX/UI assignment. The team managed the project well both for initial time estimates and also weekly follow-ups throughout delivery. Overall, efficient work with a nice professional team.

John Boman
Product Manager at Lexplore
Tomas Pataky

Their intuition about the product and their willingness to try new approaches and show them to our team as alternatives to our set course were impressive. The Devox team makes it incredibly easy to work with, and their ability to manage our team and set expectations was outstanding.

Tamas Pataky
Head of Product at Stromcore
Stan Sadokov

Devox is a team of exepctional talent and responsible executives. All of the talent we outstaffed from the company were experts in their fields and delivered quality work. They also take full ownership to what they deliver to you. If you work with Devox you will get actual results and you can rest assured that the result will procude value.

Stan Sadokov
Product Lead at Multilogin
United Kingdom

The work that the team has done on our project has been nothing short of incredible – it has surpassed all expectations I had and really is something I could only have dreamt of finding. Team is hard working, dedicated, personable and passionate. I have worked with people literally all over the world both in business and as freelancer, and people from Devox Software are 1 in a million.

Mark Lamb
Technical Director at M3 Network Limited


  • Can the Order Management System (OMS) be customized to fit my specific business processes?

    Regardless of the industry your business works in, Devox designs the order system management (OMS) to be highly customizable to align perfectly with your unique processes. We work closely with you to understand your specific needs and tailor the system accordingly, ensuring it integrates seamlessly with your existing workflow and adhering to the best practises of SDLC.

  • How does a custom OMS alleviate common order management pains?

    A custom OMS addresses numerous order management pains by automating manual tasks, reducing errors, providing real-time inventory visibility, improving customer service, and ensuring efficient multi-channel management. The benefits businesses eventually get include streamlined operations, cost savings, and increased customer satisfaction.

  • Will the custom OMS help my business comply with industry regulations?

    Retail order management systems are designed with a strong focus on compliance, ensuring that the business adheres to various industry-specific regulations. For example, it can help with data protection laws like GDPR by securely managing customer information, featuring data encryption and secure access controls.

    In the financial sector, it supports compliance with standards like PCI DSS through secure payment processing and transparent financial reporting.

    For healthcare, it aligns with HIPAA requirements by safeguarding patient data. Additionally, the OMS can handle international trade laws by managing necessary documentation and compliance for cross-border transactions.

    Thus, a custom OMS not only streamlines order management but also serves as a crucial tool in maintaining regulatory compliance across different sectors.

  • What is better: Oracle or SAP order management system?

    Oracle order management system is known for its comprehensive features, including robust order processing, inventory management, and customer service capabilities. It often includes advanced analytics and reporting tools. It offers some degree of customization and typically integrates well with other Oracle products. It’s best suited for larger enterprises or businesses already using Oracle’s suite of products, seeking an extensive, feature-rich OMS solution.

    SAP provides a highly capable OMS, focusing on efficient order processing, inventory visibility, and multi-channel management. It’s known for its strong supply chain and logistics integration. While it integrates seamlessly with other SAP modules, it’s hard to customize or integrate it with non-SAP solutions. It’s best suited for large organizations, especially those that require deep integration with supply chain operations and are already invested in the SAP ecosystem.

  • What are the benefits of a custom OMS compared to an off-the-shelf solution?

    A custom OMS offers several advantages over off-the-shelf solutions, including tailored features that match your specific business needs, scalability to grow with your business, seamless integration with your existing tools, and dedicated support for any specific challenges you face. Custom software for order management system always prioritizes your business needs, pains, and users, and will cater to your objectives by design.

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