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Upgrade your locality, organization or public services with the use of AI in government. Pick Devox for custom AI development that propels your entity towards inclusivity, better citizen engagement, and better social contract compliance.

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Services We Provide

AI Solutions for Government Services We Provide

Together, government and AI can create a better city for citizens to live in, making sure every party engaged thrives and makes profit. Devox can become your trusted partner in delivering tech stack for this to happen.

  • Smart Appointment Scheduling

    Enable your citizens to book, reschedule, or cancel appointments with public offices or services online, optimizing staff time and reducing wait times. Devox can develop AI-driven scheduling systems that predict peak times, allocate resources more efficiently, and offer flexibility to citizens, enhancing their experience with government services.

  • Social Media Monitoring and Engagement

    We can design AI tools that analyze social media trends, sentiments, and public discussions to gauge citizen satisfaction, concerns, and needs. Governments can use these insights to improve communication strategies, engage in real-time with citizens, and address public issues more proactively.

  • Accessibility Enhancements

    Let AI technologies like voice recognition and language translation services make your government websites and digital platforms more accessible to individuals with disabilities or those who speak different languages, ensuring inclusive access to information and services. We’ll help you achieve this thanks to NLP and ML technologies.

  • Public Health Monitoring and Response

    Get a chance to improve the public health sector’s response capabilities and target public health interventions effectively: AI tools analyze health data for better disease prediction, outbreak tracking, and personalized healthcare services. Beyond healthcare analytics, Devox can incorporate monitoring social media and other online sources to detect disease outbreaks or health crises early.

  • Participatory Governance Platforms

    Facilitate participatory governance by analyzing citizen feedback and participation in public consultations or decision-making processes: we can develop AI software that will understand citizen preferences and involve them more effectively in policy-making.

  • Automated Compliance Checks

    Devox can develop a solution that leverages AI and machine learning technologies to streamline the process of ensuring that government operations, policies, and practices comply with existing laws, regulations, and standards. You’ll simplify the process of understanding and complying with complex regulations by providing tailored guidance and automating compliance checks, thus reducing the administrative burden on citizens.

  • Smart Policymaking

    Developing an AI application that assists in analyzing social, economic, and environmental data to forecast the impacts of potential policies. Receive insights into the likely outcomes of policy choices, allowing for evidence-based decision-making that maximizes public benefit and minimizes unintended consequences.

Development Process

Our AI Solutions for Government Development Process

When we are on a mission to deliver the government AI, we follow a guideline of quality code and diligent data processing. See how your software will be crafted step by step.


01. Identify Needs and Objectives

We start by understanding your government body or public organization's unique challenges and goals. Devox engages with stakeholders to capture a comprehensive view of your requirements and set functional and non-functional requirements. Along the way, we ensure regulatory compliance and ethics, prioritizing adherence to relevant standards and ensuring that our AI solutions respect data privacy, security, and fairness.


02. UI/UX Design

Our design team makes an intuitive and accessible UI for government employees, citizens, and other user personas. Starting with wireframes, we gradually create the full-scale user interface based on UX research, the solution goals, your brand look and voice, and other requirements.


03. Data Preparation and AI Solution Architecture

Our team focuses on collecting and refining the data necessary for training AI models. Quality data is the foundation of effective AI, and we ensure it is both relevant and prepared to the highest standards. We select the most appropriate AI technologies and design the solution architecture to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. This phase sets the blueprint for a successful AI implementation.


04. Development and Training

Devox's team of AI experts and data scientists builds the AI models that will serve as the core of the solution. Utilizing the prepared and cleansed data, we apply advanced machine learning algorithms and techniques to train these models, ensuring they can accurately predict, categorize, or make decisions based on new, unseen data. This phase involves multiple cycles of training and tuning to refine the models' performance.


05. Test and Validate

We thoroughly evaluate the AI solution to prove it's reliable, secure, and user-friendly. the stage includes a series of tests, including functional testing to verify the AI performs as expected, performance testing to assess its responsiveness and stability under various conditions, and security testing to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities. User acceptance testing (UAT) involves end-users — be it government employees or citizens — interacting with the system and providing feedback on its usability and effectiveness.


06. Deploy and Integrate

Our team deploys the government AI within your IT ecosystem, ensuring smooth integration and minimal disruption to existing operations. We focus on making the transition as seamless as possible. Integration also involves setting up the necessary interfaces and APIs to allow different software components to communicate effectively, ensuring that the AI solution enhances rather than complicates the technological ecosystem. We provide comprehensive support during this phase, ensuring that all technical requirements are met and that the system is fully operational and ready to deliver its intended benefits from day one.


07. Monitor, Evaluate, and Iterate

After deployment, Devox continues to monitor the AI solution's performance, collecting user feedback for ongoing improvement. We can adapt, refine, modernize, or scale the solution at your request: it can be appropriate to meet the evolving needs of your community or organization, leverage new technological advancements, or naturally scale the system if its demand grows.

  • 01. Identify Needs and Objectives

  • 02. UI/UX Design

  • 03. Data Preparation and AI Solution Architecture

  • 04. Development and Training

  • 05. Test and Validate

  • 06. Deploy and Integrate

  • 07. Monitor, Evaluate, and Iterate


Benefits of AI Solutions for Government

AI in the government can help you bring your locality closer to an idea of true Ancient Greek Polis. Devox will help you take the best from the concept.

  • Innovate and Modernize Your Government

    Pave the way for innovation in public services: AI will help you transform traditional operations and introduce new capabilities that meet the evolving needs of the public. You’ll provide more personalized services, streamline bureaucracy where possible, reduce waiting times, and tap into new channels of communication and decision-making.

  • Cut the Check

    AI in government services will streamline operations and improve resource allocation, significantly reducing costs for government entities. Automate the administrative tasks for more efficient management of public resources lead to substantial savings, which can later be allocated to bright initiatives.

  • Set Proactive Public Safety Measures

    Set a proactive approach to prevent crimes, enhance disaster response, and improve overall community well-being: predictive analytics and facial recognition enhance public safety by identifying potential threats and issues before they escalate. AI also strengthens cybersecurity measures by detecting and responding to threats in real time, protecting sensitive government data and critical infrastructure from cyber attacks.

  • Reach Better Citizen Engagement

    Let your citizens talk and make them heard: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide citizens with 24/7 access to government services and information, improving communication and engagement. These tools can offer personalized responses to inquiries, reduce wait times, and raise citizen satisfaction as a result.

  • Enhance Transparency and Accountability

    Build trust between the government and its citizens, ensuring accountability and promoting ethical governance. AI-driven data analytics and visualization tools can make government actions more transparent by providing clear, understandable insights into how decisions are made and how resources are allocated.

  • Take the Best of Sustainability and Environmental Protection

    Support sustainable development initiatives, addressing climate change and environmental protection goals: artificial intelligence assists in monitoring environmental data, predicting changes, and managing natural resources more efficiently. You’ll get a chance to make your community green and facilitate intervention when needed.

  • Improve Public Health Management

    Predict disease outbreaks, ditribute vaccines with more precision, improve diagnostic accuracy, and personalize patient care. AI's analysis of health data from various sources, including electronic health records, wearables, and social determinants of health paves the way to better health outcomes and more efficient public health services.

Key Features

Key Features of AI Solutions for Government


Data Management Systems

At the heart of AI applications is the need for robust data management systems that can handle the collection, storage, and processing of vast amounts of structured and unstructured data from various sources, including public records, sensors, and social media.


Machine Learning Models

These are the algorithms that learn from data to make predictions or decisions. They can range from simple linear regression models to complex neural networks, depending on the task, such as predictive analytics for crime rates, traffic flow optimization, or personalized citizen services.


Natural Language Processing Engines

NLP technologies enable machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language, facilitating automated customer service chatbots, document analysis, and sentiment analysis of public feedback.


Computer Vision Systems

These systems allow machines to interpret and make decisions based on visual data. In the public sector, computer vision is used for tasks such as surveillance, automated vehicle number plate recognition, and infrastructure monitoring.


Cloud Computing Platforms

Cloud infrastructure provides the scalable computing resources needed for processing large datasets and hosting AI models, enabling governments to leverage powerful computing capabilities without significant upfront investment in physical hardware.


Data Analytics and Visualization Tools

These tools help in the analysis and interpretation of data, providing actionable insights through dashboards and reports. They are crucial for decision-makers to understand trends, patterns, and outcomes of AI applications.


Cybersecurity Measures

Security components, including encryption and anomaly detection models, protect sensitive government data and infrastructure from cyber threats, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of information.


Integration APIs

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) facilitate the integration of AI applications with existing government IT systems, allowing for seamless data exchange and enhancing the interoperability between different services and departments.


Regulatory Compliance Modules

Given the sensitive nature of government operations, AI systems include modules to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards, including data protection regulations and bias monitoring mechanisms.

Case Studies

Our Latest Works

View All Case Studies
Social Media Screening Platform Social Media Screening Platform
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • Cloud Services
  • DevOps & Infrastructure

Social Media Screening Platform

The project is a web-based AI-powered platform for comprehensive social media background screening. Its supertask is to streamline potential employee background checks for companies, tackling employment risk management.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • .NET Core
  • Angular
  • Azure
  • Docker
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Selenium Web Driver


SwissMentor SwissMentor
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • Cloud
  • E-Learning

Comprehensive Learning Management System

SwissMentor is a learning management system (LMS). It’s the software for managing all sides of the educational process: the main features include course management, invoicing, room management, document management, and e-learning.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • .NET Core
  • PostgreSQL
  • Angular
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Azure

Switzerland Switzerland

Web 3 White-label PaaS NeoBank Web 3 White-label PaaS NeoBank
  • Web3
  • Fintech

Web 3 White-label PaaS NeoBank

Our client is a blockchain technology firm that has a network of international financial service provider partners. The project is a white-label PaaS ecosystem for neo banking solutions based on the blockchain network.

Additional Info



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Awards & Certifications

Industry Contribution Awards & Certifications

Check Devox Software Awards on rating & review platforms among top software development companies and Certifications our team members holds.

  • Awards
  • Certifications
  • UpWork


  • Clutch


  • The Manifest

    The Manifest

  • DesignRush


  • MC.today


  • Clutch


  • Clutch


  • AppFutura


  • Clutch


  • GoodFirms


  • DesignRush


  • UpWork


  • Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

    Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

  • Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

    Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

  • ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

    ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

  • ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

    ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

  • Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

    Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

    Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

  • Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

    Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

  • Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

    Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

  • Java Development Certified Professional

    Java Development Certified Professional

  • JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

    JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

  • Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

    Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

  • Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate

    Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate




The solutions they’re providing is helping our business run more smoothly. We’ve been able to make quick developments with them, meeting our product vision within the timeline we set up. Listen to them because they can give strong advice about how to build good products.

Carl-Fredrik Linné
Tech Lead at CURE Media
Darrin Lipscomb
United States

We are a software startup and using Devox allowed us to get an MVP to market faster and less cost than trying to build and fund an R&D team initially. Communication was excellent with Devox. This is a top notch firm.

Darrin Lipscomb
CEO, Founder at Ferretly
Daniel Bertuccio

Their level of understanding, detail, and work ethic was great. We had 2 designers, 2 developers, PM and QA specialist. I am extremely satisfied with the end deliverables. Devox Software was always on time during the process.

Daniel Bertuccio
Marketing Manager at Eurolinx

We get great satisfaction working with them. They help us produce a product we’re happy with as co-founders. The feedback we got from customers was really great, too. Customers get what we do and we feel like we’re really reaching our target market.

Trent Allan
CTO, Co-founder at Active Place
United Kingdom

I’m blown up with the level of professionalism that’s been shown, as well as the welcoming nature and the social aspects. Devox Software is really on the ball technically.

Andy Morrey
Managing Director at Magma Trading
Vadim Ivanenko

Great job! We met the deadlines and brought happiness to our customers. Communication was perfect. Quick response. No problems with anything during the project. Their experienced team and perfect communication offer the best mix of quality and rates.

Vadim Ivanenko
United States

The project continues to be a success. As an early-stage company, we're continuously iterating to find product success. Devox has been quick and effective at iterating alongside us. I'm happy with the team, their responsiveness, and their output.

Jason Leffakis
Founder, CEO at Function4

We hired the Devox team for a complicated (unusual interaction) UX/UI assignment. The team managed the project well both for initial time estimates and also weekly follow-ups throughout delivery. Overall, efficient work with a nice professional team.

John Boman
Product Manager at Lexplore
Tomas Pataky

Their intuition about the product and their willingness to try new approaches and show them to our team as alternatives to our set course were impressive. The Devox team makes it incredibly easy to work with, and their ability to manage our team and set expectations was outstanding.

Tamas Pataky
Head of Product at Stromcore
Stan Sadokov

Devox is a team of exepctional talent and responsible executives. All of the talent we outstaffed from the company were experts in their fields and delivered quality work. They also take full ownership to what they deliver to you. If you work with Devox you will get actual results and you can rest assured that the result will procude value.

Stan Sadokov
Product Lead at Multilogin
United Kingdom

The work that the team has done on our project has been nothing short of incredible – it has surpassed all expectations I had and really is something I could only have dreamt of finding. Team is hard working, dedicated, personable and passionate. I have worked with people literally all over the world both in business and as freelancer, and people from Devox Software are 1 in a million.

Mark Lamb
Technical Director at M3 Network Limited


  • Is government ready for AI?

    Yes, many government agencies and public sector organizations are increasingly ready and eager to adopt AI technologies. This readiness stems from a growing recognition of AI’s potential to transform service delivery, enhance operational efficiency, and address complex societal challenges. Governments worldwide are investing in digital infrastructure, data analytics capabilities, and skill development to create an enabling environment for AI adoption. Moreover, with the establishment of ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks, governments are also ensuring that AI technologies are implemented responsibly and transparently.

    Devox supports this transition by offering tailored AI solutions that align with government readiness, ensuring that every project meets the highest standards of security, privacy, and ethical use. Our approach involves working closely with government partners to identify their unique needs, build capacity, and integrate AI solutions in a way that complements existing processes and systems, thereby maximizing the benefits of AI while mitigating risks.

  • How can AI improve citizen engagement and communication?

    Centralization government AI enhances citizen engagement by implementing advanced chatbots and virtual assistants capable of handling inquiries 24/7. For instance, our AI-driven chatbot solution has been deployed in several municipal government websites, providing immediate, accurate responses to citizen queries on a wide range of topics from utility billing to local event information. This not only improves the accessibility and responsiveness of government services but also frees up human staff to focus on more complex citizen needs, thereby improving overall satisfaction and engagement levels.

  • What role does AI play in optimizing public transportation systems?

    AI significantly optimizes public transportation by analyzing traffic patterns, passenger data, and vehicle performance in real-time. We have developed AI systems that predict peak travel times, enabling cities to adjust bus and train schedules dynamically, reduce overcrowding, and improve punctuality. For example, in a recent project, our AI solution helped a metropolitan transit authority to redesign their routes and schedules, resulting in a 20% improvement in service reliability and a 15% increase in passenger satisfaction.

  • How does AI contribute to public safety and security?

    AI technologies like facial recognition and anomaly detection play a crucial role in enhancing public safety. Our facial recognition system, deployed in several urban centers, has aided law enforcement in identifying and apprehending suspects more efficiently by analyzing surveillance footage in real-time. Additionally, our anomaly detection systems monitor public spaces for unusual activities, alerting authorities to potential security threats, such as unattended packages or suspicious gatherings, thereby preventing incidents before they occur.

  • Can AI assist in disaster response and management?

    AI is pivotal in disaster response, offering predictive insights that can save lives. We’ve developed AI models that analyze weather data, social media feeds, and satellite imagery to predict natural disasters like floods and wildfires with high accuracy. This allows emergency services to mobilize resources, evacuate threatened areas, and communicate effectively with the public well before disasters strike, significantly mitigating their impact.

  • How does AI facilitate more efficient government operations and resource allocation?

    AI drives efficiency in government operations by automating routine tasks and enabling data-driven decision-making. Our AI system for procurement optimization has helped government agencies reduce costs by analyzing historical purchase data and market trends to suggest optimal buying times and quantities. This results in smarter spending of taxpayer money, ensuring resources are allocated where they are most needed and when they can achieve the greatest impact.

  • What impact does AI have on environmental monitoring and sustainability efforts?

    AI’s impact on environmental monitoring is profound, offering precise data analysis for sustainability initiatives. Our environmental monitoring AI solution processes data from various sensors and satellites, identifying pollution hotspots and tracking deforestation in real-time. This enables government agencies to enforce environmental regulations more effectively, plan reforestation projects, and engage in targeted pollution reduction efforts, demonstrating AI’s crucial role in preserving natural resources for future generations.

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