
Enjoy the efficiency of automated grading and feedback systems that save time and provide instant, constructive insights with AI technology in education: Devox will help you achieve this goal based on your individual requirements.

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Services We Provide

AI Solutions for Education Services We Provide

There’s a wide range of various AI tools used in education. Devox can develop them for you as a custom solution, fully tailoring the user experience to your requirements and your institution’s needs to make both teachers and students happy.

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) with AI Capabilities

    We can develop AI-empowered LMSs that use AI to track student progress, provide analytics on engagement and performance, and recommend interventions for at-risk students. Receive a system that manages educational content, streamlines administration and proactively supports both students and teachers.

  • Automated Grading Tools

    Leverage AI capabilities to grade assignments, quizzes, and even essays, providing immediate feedback to students and reducing the workload on educators. We develop a tool using NLP and ML algorithms that evaluate student submissions against a set of criteria, be it open-ended responses or answers to objective questions.

  • Content Generation Tools

    Generate educational content, such as quiz questions, reading materials, or lecture notes effortlessly, based on specific learning objectives and curriculum standards. When developing, we train models on subject matter to produce relevant and accurate content.

  • AI-Powered Analytics and Reporting

    Devox can provide tools that analyze data from student interactions with educational content and platforms, offering insights into learning patterns, effectiveness of teaching methods, and areas for curriculum improvement. We construct sophisticated models that process vast datasets, identifying trends and insights.

  • Intelligent Library Services

    Leverage AI in education to enhance library systems, enabling advanced search capabilities, personalized recommendations, and automated management of resources. Get a library system that not only simplifies resource management but also enhances student and educator access to information, improving research efficiency and encouraging independent learning.

  • Plagiarism Detection Software

    Utilize AI to efficiently scan academic works for plagiarism, ensuring integrity and originality in student submissions. We are creating algorithms that can analyze texts for similarities to other sources, using advanced data processing and natural language understanding techniques to identify potential instances of plagiarism.

  • Adaptive Learning Platforms

    Devox can develop a platform that offers personalized learning experiences for students, improving engagement and mastery of subjects by adapting to each student’s unique learning needs and pace. These platforms personalize learning experiences by adjusting content, difficulty levels, and learning paths based on the individual’s performance and preferences.

Development Process

Our AI Solutions for Education Development Process

There are lots of applications of AI in education, but when developing them, we follow the best practices of SDLC. We never sacrifice code’s or AI’s quality: see how our rigorous process looks like.


01. Needs Analysis and Requirements Gathering

We’re identifying the educational challenges and objectives you aim to address by building a tech solution. For this, we consult with educators, administrators, students, and other stakeholders to gather insights into their needs, preferences, and pain points. We identify exactly what’s going to be developed, agreeing on organizational components too 9team composition, deadlines, KPIs, and tech stack).


02. Conceptualization and Design

We define the software's overall architecture, including its AI components, and how it will interact with users and other systems. We then create detailed specifications for the AI models (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing), user interface design (UI/UX), data management, and security measures.


03. Data Collection and Preparation

We gather and prepare the data necessary for training the AI models. This is when our developers collect educational data, such as student performance data, curriculum materials, or interaction logs. They clean and preprocess this data to facilitate efficient learning by the AI models.


04. AI Model Development and Training

It’s time to develop and train the AI models that will power the software's key features. For this, we select appropriate machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques. The team trains these models on the prepared data, continually refining them to improve accuracy and effectiveness.


05. Software Development and Integration

After finishing the AI part, we develop the software application and integrate AI models into it. We write the code, incorporating the AI models along with other components like the user interface, database management system, and integration APIs. Naturally, we ensure the software can interact seamlessly with existing educational systems and data sources.


06. Testing and Quality Assurance

The software is now done. We double-check that it operates as intended and meets all functional, performance, and security requirements. For this, we conduct various tests, including unit testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing. The AI models are tested separately to ensure they provide accurate and reliable outputs.


07. Deployment

We make the software available for educators, students, and administrators to use. The software is then finally deployed in a live educational environment, ensuring it integrates smoothly with existing IT infrastructure. We monitor the deployment to identify and resolve any immediate issues.


08. Feedback Collection and Continuous Improvement

Our team enhances and refines the software based on user feedback and performance data. This is when we collect feedback from users and analyze usage data to identify areas for improvement. Update the AI models and software features as needed to enhance performance, usability, and educational outcomes.

  • 01. Needs Analysis and Requirements Gathering

  • 02. Conceptualization and Design

  • 03. Data Collection and Preparation

  • 04. AI Model Development and Training

  • 05. Software Development and Integration

  • 06. Testing and Quality Assurance

  • 07. Deployment

  • 08. Feedback Collection and Continuous Improvement


Benefits of AI Solutions for Education

Using AI in education will not just modernize your shool’s image but make it easier for each actor involved, be it a student, a teacher, or an administrative role.

  • Tailor Your Learning Journey

    Let AI carve out a unique learning path tailored to your students’ pace, style, and preferences. This bespoke approach allows them to master subjects at their own rhythm, in the most fitting way, potentially amplifying their learning outcomes and overall satisfaction.

  • Improve Grading Systems and Innovate Assessment Methods

    With AI, grading can become more consistent and unbiased. For objective assessments, AI can grade assignments instantly, providing immediate feedback to students and identifying common areas where students struggle. It can also facilitate more innovative assessment methods, going beyond traditional tests to assess students through simulations, interactive activities, and real-world problem-solving tasks.

  • Make Education Inclusive

    Make education more accessible to students with disabilities through tools like speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and personalized learning accommodations. Artificial intelligence will help you level the playing field for all learners, opening your doors to more students and raising your school’s brand.

  • Tackle Administration Burden

    Let your teachers focus more on teaching and less on bureaucracy: automating administrative tasks such as enrollment, scheduling, and even grading with AI can save both educators and institutions significant time and resources. Of course, better precision and reduced manual error are also a deriving perk.

  • Boost Engagement and Motivation

    By incorporating AI-driven games, simulations, and interactive content, education can become more engaging for students. These tools can increase motivation and enhance the learning experience, making education both fun and effective.

  • Data-Driven Insights

    With AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data from student interactions, it can guide educators and institutions into students’ learning patterns, performance, and areas needing improvement. They can thus reach better teaching strategies, curriculum design, and resource allocation.

  • Scale Easy

    Scale your educational offering to reach a wider audience without diminishing the quality of education. Online platforms, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), and virtual classrooms can serve thousands of students simultaneously, breaking geographical barriers and contributing to global education accessibility.

Key Features

Key Features of AI Solutions for Education


Machine Learning Algorithms

The backbone of AI-based education software, these algorithms allow the system to learn from data, adapt to new information, and make predictions or decisions based on patterns. AI and machine learning in education will be applied in adaptive learning platforms, predictive analytics in LMS, automated grading tools.


Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP enables the software to understand, interpret, and generate human language, facilitating interactions between computers and humans. It’s used in AI chatbot in higher education for student support, language learning applications, automated grading of text-based responses.


Data Analytics Engine

This component processes and analyzes large volumes of data to extract meaningful insights about learning patterns, effectiveness of teaching methods, and student performance. This engine is responsible for AI-powered analytics and reporting, personalized content recommendations, early detection of learning difficulties.


Content Management System (CMS)

A CMS is essential for creating, managing, and customizing digital content, ensuring that educational material is accessible and up-to-date. It’s applied in content generation tools, LMS with AI capabilities, intelligent library services.


Adaptive Learning Engine

Specifically designed for educational platforms, this engine uses machine learning to adjust learning paths, content, and assessments based on individual learner’s progress and feedback. It shapes the adaptive learning platforms and personalized learning experiences in LMS.


Database Management System

This system efficiently stores and retrieves data, including student records, educational content, and interaction logs, ensuring data integrity and security. Used in LMS, adaptive learning platforms, and plagiarism detection software.


Integration APIs

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow the AI-based education software to integrate with existing systems and third-party services, enhancing functionality and interoperability. They are responsible for integrating LMS with institutional databases, external content libraries, and other educational technology tools.


Feedback and Improvement Mechanisms

These are systems designed to collect user feedback and monitor software performance to identify areas for enhancement and ensure continuous improvement. They function in user feedback in adaptive learning platforms, error reporting in automated grading tools, content updates in CMS.

Case Studies

Our Latest Works

View All Case Studies
SwissMentor SwissMentor
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • Cloud
  • E-Learning

Comprehensive Learning Management System

SwissMentor is a learning management system (LMS). It’s the software for managing all sides of the educational process: the main features include course management, invoicing, room management, document management, and e-learning.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • .NET Core
  • PostgreSQL
  • Angular
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Azure

Switzerland Switzerland

Joynd Joynd
  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • Cloud & DevOps

Streamlining HR tools for efficiency

Joynd is a system that integrates different HR tools into one platform, allowing client companies to leverage the potential of different software within a single platform. The software connects companies who wish to use HR software from one side and such technical providers from the other side. It allows for a quick and effective integration with multiple suppliers.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • Angular
  • NgRx
  • RxJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • .NET Core
  • PostgreSQL
  • AWS
  • Docker


Social Media Screening Platform Social Media Screening Platform
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • Cloud Services
  • DevOps & Infrastructure

Social Media Screening Platform

The project is a web-based AI-powered platform for comprehensive social media background screening. Its supertask is to streamline potential employee background checks for companies, tackling employment risk management.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • .NET Core
  • Angular
  • Azure
  • Docker
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Selenium Web Driver


and over 200 our featured partners and clients

Awards & Certifications

Industry Contribution Awards & Certifications

Check Devox Software Awards on rating & review platforms among top software development companies and Certifications our team members holds.

  • Awards
  • Certifications
  • UpWork


  • Clutch


  • The Manifest

    The Manifest

  • DesignRush



  • Clutch


  • Clutch


  • AppFutura


  • Clutch


  • GoodFirms


  • DesignRush


  • UpWork


  • Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

    Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

  • Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

    Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

  • ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

    ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

  • ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

    ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

  • Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

    Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

    Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

  • Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

    Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

  • Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

    Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

  • Java Development Certified Professional

    Java Development Certified Professional

  • JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

    JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

  • Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

    Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

  • Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate

    Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate




The solutions they’re providing is helping our business run more smoothly. We’ve been able to make quick developments with them, meeting our product vision within the timeline we set up. Listen to them because they can give strong advice about how to build good products.

Carl-Fredrik Linné
Tech Lead at CURE Media
Darrin Lipscomb
United States

We are a software startup and using Devox allowed us to get an MVP to market faster and less cost than trying to build and fund an R&D team initially. Communication was excellent with Devox. This is a top notch firm.

Darrin Lipscomb
CEO, Founder at Ferretly
Daniel Bertuccio

Their level of understanding, detail, and work ethic was great. We had 2 designers, 2 developers, PM and QA specialist. I am extremely satisfied with the end deliverables. Devox Software was always on time during the process.

Daniel Bertuccio
Marketing Manager at Eurolinx

We get great satisfaction working with them. They help us produce a product we’re happy with as co-founders. The feedback we got from customers was really great, too. Customers get what we do and we feel like we’re really reaching our target market.

Trent Allan
CTO, Co-founder at Active Place
United Kingdom

I’m blown up with the level of professionalism that’s been shown, as well as the welcoming nature and the social aspects. Devox Software is really on the ball technically.

Andy Morrey
Managing Director at Magma Trading
Vadim Ivanenko

Great job! We met the deadlines and brought happiness to our customers. Communication was perfect. Quick response. No problems with anything during the project. Their experienced team and perfect communication offer the best mix of quality and rates.

Vadim Ivanenko
United States

The project continues to be a success. As an early-stage company, we're continuously iterating to find product success. Devox has been quick and effective at iterating alongside us. I'm happy with the team, their responsiveness, and their output.

Jason Leffakis
Founder, CEO at Function4

We hired the Devox team for a complicated (unusual interaction) UX/UI assignment. The team managed the project well both for initial time estimates and also weekly follow-ups throughout delivery. Overall, efficient work with a nice professional team.

John Boman
Product Manager at Lexplore
Tomas Pataky

Their intuition about the product and their willingness to try new approaches and show them to our team as alternatives to our set course were impressive. The Devox team makes it incredibly easy to work with, and their ability to manage our team and set expectations was outstanding.

Tamas Pataky
Head of Product at Stromcore
Stan Sadokov

Devox is a team of exepctional talent and responsible executives. All of the talent we outstaffed from the company were experts in their fields and delivered quality work. They also take full ownership to what they deliver to you. If you work with Devox you will get actual results and you can rest assured that the result will procude value.

Stan Sadokov
Product Lead at Multilogin
United Kingdom

The work that the team has done on our project has been nothing short of incredible – it has surpassed all expectations I had and really is something I could only have dreamt of finding. Team is hard working, dedicated, personable and passionate. I have worked with people literally all over the world both in business and as freelancer, and people from Devox Software are 1 in a million.

Mark Lamb
Technical Director at M3 Network Limited


  • How does AI personalize learning for students?

    AI personalizes learning by analyzing students’ performance data, learning styles, and preferences to tailor content, suggest learning paths, and adjust the difficulty of tasks in real-time. This approach ensures that each student faces challenges that are neither too easy nor too difficult, optimizing their learning pace and enhancing understanding. By continuously monitoring student interactions, AI identifies areas where a student might struggle and provides targeted resources, ensuring personalized support that caters to individual learning needs.

  • Can AI improve student engagement in online courses?

    Yes, AI significantly enhances student engagement in online courses by introducing interactive elements, personalized learning experiences, and instant feedback mechanisms. For instance, AI-driven simulations and gamified learning modules make education more interactive, allowing students to apply concepts in virtual environments. Moreover, AI chatbot in education can offer 24/7 support, answering questions and guiding students through difficult topics, which keeps them motivated and reduces feelings of isolation in online learning environments.

  • What impact does AI have on the workload of educators?

    AI reduces the workload of educators by automating administrative tasks, grading, and providing personalized feedback to students. Educators can utilize AI to quickly identify patterns in student performance, allowing them to intervene effectively and dedicate more time to personalized instruction. Furthermore, AI-driven content generation tools can assist in creating lecture materials, quizzes, and assignments, enabling teachers to focus on enhancing the learning experience and engaging directly with students.

  • How does AI facilitate better results for students?

    AI facilitates better student results by providing a customized learning experience that adapts to each student’s unique needs, ensuring that they engage with material at the most appropriate level of challenge. By leveraging AI for predictive analytics, educators can identify students at risk of falling behind early and provide timely interventions. Additionally, instant feedback on assignments and quizzes allows students to learn from their mistakes in real-time, leading to improved understanding and retention of course material.

  • How can AI enhance the research capabilities of universities?

    AI tools in education improve the research capabilities of universities by streamlining data analysis, offering new insights through deep learning algorithms, and managing large datasets more efficiently. For example, AI can process and analyze research data much faster than traditional methods, uncovering patterns and correlations that might not be immediately apparent. Additionally, AI-driven tools can assist in literature review processes by quickly scanning and summarizing relevant studies, allowing researchers to focus on innovation and discovery.

  • What role does AI play in improving the accessibility of education?

    AI improves the accessibility of education by offering tools that support students with diverse learning needs and backgrounds. For instance, speech-to-text and text-to-speech functionalities can aid students with visual impairments or learning disabilities, while real-time translation services break down language barriers for non-native speakers. AI-driven adaptive learning platforms can adjust content presentation to suit different learning styles, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to succeed.

  • How does AI contribute to the development of soft skills in students?

    Use of AI in education contributes to the development of soft skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork through interactive and collaborative learning environments. For example, AI-driven simulations present real-world scenarios where students must apply knowledge, make decisions, and reflect on outcomes, thereby enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Moreover, AI-facilitated group projects and discussions promote teamwork and communication skills, preparing students for the collaborative nature of the modern workplace.

  • In what ways does AI impact the scalability of educational programs?

    AI impacts the scalability of educational programs by enabling institutions to offer personalized and high-quality education to a larger number of students without a corresponding increase in resources or faculty. Online courses powered by AI can adapt to individual learning needs, providing personalized guidance and feedback at scale. This not only makes education more accessible to a global audience but also allows institutions to expand their offerings efficiently, catering to diverse learner populations across different regions and disciplines.

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