
Back-End Development Company


Elevate your digital product with Devox's premier back-end development services. Experience unparalleled performance, robust security, and seamless scalability, ensuring your application runs smoothly, efficiently, and securely, no matter the user load.

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What is Back-end Development

What is Back-end Development

Back-end development is the powerhouse behind your digital product, responsible for server-side operations, database management, and application logic — essentially ensuring your product functions smoothly, efficiently, and securely.

A solid back-end is crucial because it directly impacts your product's performance, scalability, and security, laying the foundation for a seamless user experience and enabling your product to adapt and grow in today's dynamic digital landscape.

Our Services

Back-End Development Services

Devox provides a range of back-end web development services: we can help you focus on creating a server-side for any digital product, providing a detailed consultation on these solutions.

  • Custom Server Development

    Let us build and configure a custom server tailored to your specific business needs and goals. Pick this solution in case you require a close local infrastructure for an internal network.

  • Back-end Consulting

    Navigate the complexities of back-end development with our expert guidance tailored to your needs. From selecting the ideal technology stack to designing, developing, optimizing, and maintaining your software’s back-end, we’re here to help. Let us enhance the backbone of your digital product for seamless performance and security.

  • Mobile App Back-End Development

    Run your mobile application on different platforms thanks to our native (Java/Kotlin, Swift) and cross-platform (Flutter, React Native, Kotlin Multiplatform) back-end development. Whether it’s iOS or Android in question, you’ll get a scalable server-side with an adequately groomed database.

  • Cloud Back-End Solutions

    Move to cloud infrastructure for easy scalability, efficient load management, and reduced latency, improving performance. We’ll help you smoothly transition to the right cloud setup — public, private, or hybrid — expertly working with AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and more for a custom cloud approach.

  • Web Applications

    Our team specializes in creating durable, high-performing web systems, portals, and IoT frameworks. We ensure your platform runs smoothly by optimizing the server side, promising a fast, stable experience for all users.

  • API Development and Integration

    We build custom solutions for mobile and web, boosting your platform with better connectivity and integration with external services. Our work with REST, GraphQL, WebSocket, Hooks, and EventStreams makes your application more efficient and interconnected.

  • Back-end Refactoring

    Devox can revamp your back-end while keeping the front end the same if you’re struggling with poor app performance. We redesign systems to cut costs on development, infrastructure, and maintenance, improving code quality for future growth and efficiency.

  • Back-end Testing

    Conducting security and stress testing to trial-run your app’s back-end and evaluate its performance under pressure, resistance to high load or attacks, and overall capacity.



  • Python

    Pick Python for big data solutions, data analysis, and predictive modeling. Thanks to its broad selection of frameworks and libraries, it’s a primary choice for machine learning and AI applications: extensive libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn will help leverage the fruits of artificial intelligence to the fullest.

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  • Java

    Java is proper choice for building large enterprise solutions with a wide and complicated infrastructure that necessitates cross-platform compatibility. Its security and high compatibility helps navigate these requirements, and Java’s scalability contributes to competitiveness as well.

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  • Node.js

    Node.js is a good back-end choice for quick development and fast idea realization: make this choice to build light, flexible and real-time applications. Its use cases include chat bot or chat room, data streaming app, browser game, or server-side web app. It has a non-blocking, event-driven architecture, which we will help you leverage.

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  • .NET

    If you’re after mid- or large-size system with a need for fast data processing and an extensive workload, scalable and integrative .NET is the best option for this. It integrates seamlessly with Azure services too - all thanks to descending from Microsoft ecosystem.

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  • Go

    Because of its concurrency capability, Go is a fantastic option for constructing blockchain nodes and network-related components. It’s also great to design tools for working with blockchains - after all, Go is Ethereum’s native language as a system (the smart contracts are coded in different language).

  • Solidity

    A popular tool for developing Ethereum-based smart contracts is Solidity. It forms the foundation of reliable Web3 solutions such as Compound and Uniswap. As a prerequisite for Ethereum-based dApps and DeFi apps, its use cases also encompass DAOs, stablecoins, DeFi protocols, blockchain oracles, and other Ethereum-based dApps.

  • Rust

    Rust is often picked for the design of contemporary L2 blockchains and systems. It acts as a canvas for Elrond, zkSync, Laminar from Polkadot, and Optimistic Ethereum. Building blockchain clients, runtime environments, crucial parts needing low-level security and control, and Polkadot-based applications with Substrate (a framework for Polkadot development) are all excellent uses for Rust.

Benefits of Our Back-End Development

Benefits of Our Back-End Development


Cut the Infrastructure Cost

Optimizing server resources and automating various tasks will reduce operational costs over time, contributing to a better ROI for the business: for instance, the pinpoints will work faster, with less resources actually needed to support operational capacity. Thanks to load balancing, containerization, and orchestration, the given number of users will be handled with a cheaper infrastructure.


Work Towards User Retention

Minimize technical glitches that affect user satisfaction and bounce rates. Building back-end with the best practises in mind, Devox lets you retain the user thanks to fast load times and smooth interactions, essential for keeping users engaged and reducing bounce rates. Moreover, high reliability and uptime mean that users can access the product anytime, anywhere, without facing unexpected downtimes or interruptions.


Boost Cybersecurity Measures

Let our engineers outfit your platform or application with the strongest and most relevant cybersecurity tools. We're working on encryption procedures, building firewalls (Network/WAFs), improving authentication (MFA/RBAC), setting up IDPS, and upgrading software components. The advanced security protocols and measures will protect sensitive data and transactions from cyber threats, ensuring user trust and compliance with regulatory standards.


Increase Resilience Against Failures

Reduce database failure along with other technical errors: let us help you switch to microservices architecture or tackle the existing problems with the monolith one. A powerful back-end allows for easier integration with other services and APIs, enabling digital products to offer more features and functionalities.

Our Back-end Best Practises

Our Back-end Best Practises


Development Approaches

Devox employs 5 main software development principles: SOLID, DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), KISS (Keep It Simple), YAGNI (You Are Gonna Need It), and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).


Architectural Patterns

Our engineers evaluate and pick the appropriate architectural pattern — serverless, microservices-based, or monolithic — based on your tech needs. No matter which one you pick, we figure out the ways to integrate third-party services for monolith or the ways microservices will interact.


Infrastructure Design and Selection

We use platforms like cloud-based solutions, Microsoft Azure, or Amazon AWS throughout the infrastructure design process. We carefully choose services to meet your project's specific requirements and account for potential growth and changes in the future.


CI/CD (Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment)

A collection of procedures and instruments known as continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) makes code changes easier to develop, test, and deploy while maintaining the security, dependability, and stability of your back-end application. The testing, code quality checks, and deployment of code analyzers that thoroughly examine code for any possible inefficiencies or vulnerabilities are all included in the CI/CD stage of Devox development.

Stick with Devox

Stick with Devox


Get All The Knowledge First

Let us solve the business tasks by talking technical: If your team isn’t on the same page concerning the technical side of the product, we’ll help set the record straight. We’ll get acquainted with your concerns and offer the most suitable technical options before moving to any further development stages.

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Tap into Full Customization

Be it an MVP or a full-scale product, refactoring and legacy update or from-scratch development, Devox will provide a comprehensive and tailored solution. However many requirements you have, together, we will spot a golden mean between cost, development timeline and amount of coding, leaving space for product’s growth and scalability in the future.

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Budget-Friendly Superiority

With Devox, you won’t have to pick between a massive check and low skill: our expertise comes as a guarantee with any project size, big or small. Reach a balance with our consulting and project management. Let us ensure an all-inclusive tech solution for what it actually costs.

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Staying in Touch

Long after deployment, our staff remains in contact with you to help with bug fixes, upgrades, system scaling, and general concerns. After we've created a product for you, we stay in touch.

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Get All The Knowledge First

Let us solve the business tasks by talking technical: If your team isn’t on the same page concerning the technical side of the product, we’ll help set the record straight. We’ll get acquainted with your concerns and offer the most suitable technical options before moving to any further development stages.


Tap into Full Customization

Be it an MVP or a full-scale product, refactoring and legacy update or from-scratch development, Devox will provide a comprehensive and tailored solution. However many requirements you have, together, we will spot a golden mean between cost, development timeline and amount of coding, leaving space for product’s growth and scalability in the future.


Budget-Friendly Superiority

With Devox, you won’t have to pick between a massive check and low skill: our expertise comes as a guarantee with any project size, big or small. Reach a balance with our consulting and project management. Let us ensure an all-inclusive tech solution for what it actually costs.


Staying in Touch

Long after deployment, our staff remains in contact with you to help with bug fixes, upgrades, system scaling, and general concerns. After we've created a product for you, we stay in touch.

Our Process

Our Back-End Development Process


01. Developing High-Level Architecture

We create an initial plan for how the back-end of your application will be structured and how its components will interact. Devox prioritizes your requirements while identifying the major components or modules that will make up the app's back-end and picking technologies. Based on the latter, we define component relationships and describe data flow.


02. Designing Database Schema

We organize and structure data storage, retrieval, and management. The process begins with selecting a suitable database type (SQL or NoSQL) and crafting its layout, which includes defining tables, columns, relationships, and rules. Following this, we install the database and, if needed for development and testing, populate it with initial data.


03. Creating Cloud Infrastructure

Our team sets up the server and network infrastructure to support back-end operations efficiently and affordably. We start by choosing a cloud provider (like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud), then establish the hosting environment using virtual machines, containers, or serverless functions. Network configurations, security settings, and traffic management rules are implemented to secure and manage access to your back-end services.


04. Setting Up CI/CD Pipeline

We automate the development lifecycle with a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. This includes selecting a version control system for your codebase, configuring a CI server (such as Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions) for automated builds, tests, and quality checks, and establishing deployment pipelines that safely transition code to live environments. Rollback features are included to handle deployment issues.


05. Implementing Logic

The creation of your back-end's essential business logic and functionalities takes center stage comes next. This involves developing APIs, documenting them, and setting up routes, controllers, and services to manage the logic. User authentication, authorization, and security are also meticulously crafted, alongside integration with any necessary external services like payment systems.


06. Third-party Services Integration

We enhance your application by linking it with external services, adding advanced functionalities from providers like SendGrid, Auth0, Firebase, and Azure Services. This step ensures your app benefits from the vast capabilities of these platforms.


07. Connect Front-end

Finally, we integrate the back-end with your application's user interface and client-side code, ensuring a seamless connection. Post-launch, we remain available for ongoing support, maintenance, and system enhancements as needed.

  • 01. Developing High-Level Architecture

  • 02. Designing Database Schema

  • 03. Creating Cloud Infrastructure

  • 04. Setting Up CI/CD Pipeline

  • 05. Implementing Logic

  • 06. Third-party Services Integration

  • 07. Connect Front-end

Awards & Certifications

Industry Contribution Awards & Certifications

Check Devox Software Awards on rating & review platforms among top software development companies and Certifications our team members holds.

  • Awards
  • Certifications
  • UpWork


  • Clutch


  • The Manifest

    The Manifest

  • DesignRush



  • Clutch


  • Clutch


  • AppFutura


  • Clutch


  • GoodFirms


  • DesignRush


  • UpWork


  • Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

    Professional Scrum Master™ II (PSM II)

  • Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

    Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I)

  • ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

    ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

  • ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

    ITSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor of ISO Standard 20000

  • Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

    Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

    Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

  • Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

    Quality Assurance ISTQB Foundation Level

  • Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

    Microsoft Certified Solution Develop (MCSD)

  • Java Development Certified Professional

    Java Development Certified Professional

  • JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

    JavaScript Developer Certificate – W3Schools

  • Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

    Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS)

  • Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate

    Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate

Case Studies

Our Latest Works

View All Case Studies
Function4 Function4
  • website
  • management platform

Professional Event Ecosystem

Starting as a ticket selling website, Function4 grew to an all-in-one event management platform thanks to Devox’s help. It provides an ecosystem and data for comprehensive device setup, invitation and communication.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • Vue js
  • GSAP
  • Ruby
  • Azure


  • website
  • manufacturer

Kitchen Appliance Manufacturer

ILVE is a home appliance manufacturer operating since 1975 with a traditions-oriented brand. Devox helped ILVE provide more comprehensive user experience on their website and present their goods from a deeper perspective.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • Wordpress
  • Woocommerce
  • Javascript
  • PHP

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Real Estate Listing Project Real Estate Listing Project
  • Backend
  • Frontend & Mobile
  • DevOps & Infrastructure
  • Third-Party Integrations

Real Estate Listing Project

A property portal for renting and buying, our client offers a range of helpful features and mechanics to promote conscious and tailored housing choices.

Additional Info

Core Tech:
  • NET Core
  • MS SQL
  • ELK
  • Angular
  • React Native
  • NgRx
  • RxJS
  • Docker
  • GitLab CI/CD





The solutions they’re providing is helping our business run more smoothly. We’ve been able to make quick developments with them, meeting our product vision within the timeline we set up. Listen to them because they can give strong advice about how to build good products.

Carl-Fredrik Linné
Tech Lead at CURE Media
Darrin Lipscomb
United States

We are a software startup and using Devox allowed us to get an MVP to market faster and less cost than trying to build and fund an R&D team initially. Communication was excellent with Devox. This is a top notch firm.

Darrin Lipscomb
CEO, Founder at Ferretly
Daniel Bertuccio

Their level of understanding, detail, and work ethic was great. We had 2 designers, 2 developers, PM and QA specialist. I am extremely satisfied with the end deliverables. Devox Software was always on time during the process.

Daniel Bertuccio
Marketing Manager at Eurolinx

We get great satisfaction working with them. They help us produce a product we’re happy with as co-founders. The feedback we got from customers was really great, too. Customers get what we do and we feel like we’re really reaching our target market.

Trent Allan
CTO, Co-founder at Active Place
United Kingdom

I’m blown up with the level of professionalism that’s been shown, as well as the welcoming nature and the social aspects. Devox Software is really on the ball technically.

Andy Morrey
Managing Director at Magma Trading
Vadim Ivanenko

Great job! We met the deadlines and brought happiness to our customers. Communication was perfect. Quick response. No problems with anything during the project. Their experienced team and perfect communication offer the best mix of quality and rates.

Vadim Ivanenko
United States

The project continues to be a success. As an early-stage company, we're continuously iterating to find product success. Devox has been quick and effective at iterating alongside us. I'm happy with the team, their responsiveness, and their output.

Jason Leffakis
Founder, CEO at Function4

We hired the Devox team for a complicated (unusual interaction) UX/UI assignment. The team managed the project well both for initial time estimates and also weekly follow-ups throughout delivery. Overall, efficient work with a nice professional team.

John Boman
Product Manager at Lexplore
Tomas Pataky

Their intuition about the product and their willingness to try new approaches and show them to our team as alternatives to our set course were impressive. The Devox team makes it incredibly easy to work with, and their ability to manage our team and set expectations was outstanding.

Tamas Pataky
Head of Product at Stromcore
Stan Sadokov

Devox is a team of exepctional talent and responsible executives. All of the talent we outstaffed from the company were experts in their fields and delivered quality work. They also take full ownership to what they deliver to you. If you work with Devox you will get actual results and you can rest assured that the result will procude value.

Stan Sadokov
Product Lead at Multilogin
United Kingdom

The work that the team has done on our project has been nothing short of incredible – it has surpassed all expectations I had and really is something I could only have dreamt of finding. Team is hard working, dedicated, personable and passionate. I have worked with people literally all over the world both in business and as freelancer, and people from Devox Software are 1 in a million.

Mark Lamb
Technical Director at M3 Network Limited


  • What is Back-End Development, and How Does It Fit into the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

    Back-end development refers to the server-side development focused on databases, scripting, and website architecture. It’s where all the behind-the-scenes magic happens, enabling the front-end, or the user interface, to function. Within the SDLC, back-end development plays a critical role during the design, development, and maintenance stages. Initially, back-end developers work closely with front-end peers and designers to ensure that the server, application, and database communicate with each other correctly. Throughout the development phase, they write clean, scalable code that implements the application’s logic and functionality. Post-launch, our back-end developers ensure the application’s performance and security through regular updates and patches, thus maintaining the software’s lifecycle.

  • What Are the Most Popular Languages and Frameworks for Back-End Development?

    In back-end development, there are several languages and frameworks standing out. Currently, Python, JavaScript (Node.js), Ruby, and Java are among the most popular languages. Python, with frameworks like Django and Flask, is celebrated for its readability and efficiency, making it ideal for both startups and large-scale applications. Node.js allows developers to write server-side applications in JavaScript, enabling a unified language across both front and back ends. Ruby on Rails is known for its “convention over configuration” philosophy, speeding up development times significantly. Lastly, Java, with Spring Boot, remains a staple in enterprise environments due to its robustness and portability.

  • How Long Does Back-End Development Typically Take?

    The timeline for back-end development can vary widely depending on the project’s complexity, the technologies used, and the team’s expertise. A simple application with basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities might take a few weeks to a couple of months. In contrast, a complex application with intricate business logic, high-security demands, and scalability considerations can take anywhere from six months to a year, or even more. It’s crucial for development teams to allocate time for planning, development, testing, and deployment phases while also considering potential hurdles like integration with third-party services or data migration challenges.

  • How Does Back-End Development Ensure Data Security?

    Data security in back-end development is paramount, addressed through multiple layers of protection. Developers implement secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). Encryption of data in transit and at rest ensures that sensitive information is unreadable to unauthorized users. Furthermore, secure authentication mechanisms, such as OAuth and JSON Web Tokens (JWT), verify user identities and manage sessions securely. Regular security audits and compliance with standards like OWASP and GDPR also play a critical role in maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of data.

  • How Is Scalability Achieved in Back-End Development?

    Scalability in back-end development is achieved by designing systems that can handle growth in users, data volume, and transaction frequency without compromising performance. This involves using scalable databases, like NoSQL databases for horizontal scaling, and implementing microservices architecture to break down the application into smaller, independently scalable services. Load balancers distribute traffic across servers efficiently, while caching strategies reduce database load by storing frequently accessed data in memory. Cloud services, such as AWS and Google Cloud, provide flexible resources that can be adjusted based on demand, further enhancing scalability.

  • Can You Explain the Role of API Integration in Back-End Development?

    API (Application Programming Interface) integration plays a crucial role in back-end development by allowing different software systems to communicate and share data with each other. It enables the back-end of an application to connect with third-party services, external databases, or other applications, thereby extending its functionality without the need to build those features from scratch. For example, integrating with a payment gateway API allows an e-commerce site to process payments securely. API integration facilitates seamless data exchange and functionality expansion, making it essential for creating feature-rich, interoperable applications that provide a robust user experience.


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