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Why? Well, due to the shift toward remote and hybrid working models, the interest in cloud computing will likely continue to grow. That’s because the cloud offers more flexible, time-saving, and cost-effective ways to store data, maintain servers, and conduct analytics. 

A recent Gartner report forecasts that global end-user spending on public cloud services will exceed $480 billion in 2022. Accordingly, the rise of new technologies in cloud computing is inevitable.   

But what to expect from cloud computing in 2022 and the years to come? Which tendencies will take hold, and which ones will reach a new level?

We have analyzed key market insights and used Devox Software team’s rich experience to provide you with an ultimate guide on the latest in cloud computing trends. The following technologies, solutions, and approaches will be the driving force of cloud computing in the nearest future. Ready to learn more? Let’s dive deeper into details!

What Is Cloud Computing and How Can a Business Benefit From It?

Let’s start with the basics before looking under the hood of the current and upcoming cloud trends.

So what is cloud computing, and why do so many businesses turn to this technology?

Cloud computing is a modern approach to providing access to various computing services over the Internet. Normally, those services include software, databases, data storage, servers, ERP systems, business analytics, and more. 

When using cloud computing, businesses don’t have to waste time, money, and resources on building their local infrastructure. Instead, they pay only for the services they need, which makes cloud-based solutions more cost-effective than on-premises ones. 

At the same time, companies that opt for full or partial cloud migration can get even more benefits for their business growth. That is because cloud computing involves fast and flexible on-demand solutions, greater scalability, higher performance, and strengthened data security. 

What Shapes the Future of Cloud Computing: 7 Key Trends

New technologies and robust innovations are constantly emerging and quickly becoming the new normal. Internet of Things, AI, and powerful security systems aren’t a luxury but a demand in today’s digital world. Thus, businesses may consider cloud computing the most available and cost-efficient way to stay competitive and keep up with the latest trends. 

So what to expect from cloud computing in 2022 and beyond? What are the most likely changes and tendencies to shape cloud technologies in the nearest future? 

Let’s take a closer look at the seven most significant trends in cloud computing

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1. Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is an advanced technology involving a network of connected devices and a system controlling their interactions. These are the objects like smart home systems, smartwatches, connected cars, security systems, GPS navigation, identity authentification devices, etc. The IoT technology works via the Internet to synchronize the devices and manage their connections with the corresponding software. 

IoT platforms often use cloud services to ensure the effective and seamless management of smart devices. This approach may help an organization save on expensive on-premise solutions and benefit from robust and secure databases working on remote servers. 

On top of that, cloud-based IoT systems like Alexa ensure direct integrations with other cloud applications like Google Maps. Giants like AWS and Microsoft Azure remain the dominant cloud computing providers and IoT services.

According to the FinancesOnline report, the number of installed IoT devices will reach more than 75 billion compared to less than 30 billion in 2019. And based on the above, the rise of IoT technology will directly affect the need for cloud computing services.

2. Serverless Cloud 

Serverless is a rapidly growing cloud computing new technology. In the years to come, it’s likely to become one of the core cloud adoption trends. The market giants, including AWS, Microsoft, and IBM, are already applying the serverless approach in their services. And, according to a Mordor Intelligence survey, it’s only the beginning. By 2021, the serverless market is expected to reach an impressive CAGR of almost 25%. 

When talking about serverless computing, we don’t mean it’s literally serverless. However, such an approach makes the pay-as-you-go model much closer to reality. With its help, the companies can only pay for the services they truly need. Thus, they scale their systems depending on their requirements. As a result, it makes the growth potential much more affordable for businesses of different sizes. 

Another benefit of serverless computing, which makes it one of the most notable emerging cloud technologies, is its convenience for the developers constantly struggling with maintenance challenges. The professionals won’t need to manage multiple servers and infrastructure. Instead, they can focus on more urgent business tasks like UX and front-end optimization.    

3. Artificial Intelligence

Cloud computing is one of the critical technologies in implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions. Cloud datacentres are the most accessible way to store and process large amounts of information required for the efficient work of AI software. 

In contrast, AI has become one of the integral elements of cloud computing. Machine learning enables cloud-based businesses to manage and deliver data to the devices. Companies can use AI technologies to automate multiple internal processes, optimize workflows, boost risk management, and make more accurate forecasts. 

Besides, cloud services make Machine Learning capabilities more affordable for smaller businesses and organizations that want to benefit from AI-based automation. 

These interactions positively affect the development of both technologies. And while Artificial Intelligence experiences the skyrocketing increase in demand, its symbiosis with cloud computing will continue to get stronger. To be more precise, Statista claims that the global AI market will reach almost $90 billion by 2025. And cloud services will make it help expand the audience of end-users.   

4. Edge Computing

Edge computing is a new cloud technology offering an alternative way to store data in a private, secure, and decentralized environment. It involves localized data centers making the information closer to the devices accessing it.  

Many claim edge computing may become a competing technology to cloud computing. However, nowadays, most innovations that seem opposing, in fact, complement each other, and this is the case for cloud vs. edge disputes. In particular, the edge approach is especially applicable for time-sensitive data that cannot be stored in traditional centralized cloud datacentres. In addition, it helps eliminate the security, latency, and bandwidth risks. 

Besides, edge computing improves connectivity and, thus, is one of the most relevant solutions when it comes to IoT technologies we’ve mentioned above. A recent Gartner survey claims that decentralization of data storage is probably the most notable latest cloud technology. By 2025, businesses will store and process no less than 75% of their data outside the centralized cloud environment.

5. Hybrid Cloud and Multi-cloud Approaches

Traditionally, cloud-based solutions are divided into public and private ones. Each approach offers particular benefits. For example, public cloud solutions are more cost-effective, easier to maintain, and unlimited in scalability. However, they also involve numerous restrictions in terms of security and compliance. In contrast, private cloud solutions are often more flexible and can be tailored to the business’s individual needs. 

So one of the latest cloud computing trends is combining the best features of these two solutions by applying a hybrid approach. It allows companies to use both cloud computing models in a single environment. 

For example, an enterprise may store general, easy-accessible data in a centralized public cloud, while more sensitive information will be better protected in private cloud storage. According to the source, more than 80% of companies prefer the usage of a hybrid cloud strategy.

Another skyrocketing cloud computing trend is a multi-cloud model. More and more companies need a unique approach tailored to the company’s specific requirements. It encourages businesses to turn to multiple service providers. Why? Because the cloud computing popularity growth makes companies seek more specific cloud adoption strategies. And they don’t want to be limited by a single provider’s capabilities.  

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6. Focus on Sustainability

Climate change is one of the most significant concerns nowadays, and the tech industry is no exception. In fact, according to a Greenpeace study, the technologies will consume up to 20% of the global electricity by 2025. And cloud computing is an integral part of this process due to its constant growth.

Thus, the most prominent service providers like Amazon are already working on reducing their harm to the environment. They launch various projects and products like Echo and Fire TV for buying and generating renewable energy.  The latest surveys prove that moving to the cloud can save almost 90% of IT energy. 

The focus on sustainability and the desire of modern companies to adhere to eco-friendly principles is due to multiple factors. 

First, the users prefer brands with solid values and ethics. According to a recent survey, more than 80% of customers claim sustainability as one of the core standards they consider when evaluating a business. So if you want to earn your clients’ trust and respect, you need to demonstrate and highlight the ethical level they expect. 

And secondly, environmental issues will likely have a direct impact on the future of business. For example, climate change may cost companies up to $1.3 trillion by 2026. 

Based on the above, every new technology in cloud computing will strive to find the balance between expanding its digital capabilities and getting greener. And this trend will only keep increasing its impact in 2022.  

7. Mitigating Security Risks

According to Statista, the top three cloud security concerns are data loss (69%), privacy and confidentiality (66%), and unintentional exposure of credentials (44%). However, only 20% of organizations effectively assess and manage these challenges in real-time. As a result, security and compliance are the most significant downsides that may outweigh the multiple advantages of cloud solutions. 

Therefore, security and risk management solutions should be equally strengthened along with the growth of cloud computing technologies. Every insight, issue, and potential weakness can play a critical role here. So in 2022, businesses will pay extra attention to how they can mitigate those risks. 

Compromising security may snowball into an actual disaster for an enterprise. Thus, when migrating to the cloud, the companies will be cautious about the vendors’ reliability. 

One of the potential solutions to numerous security challenges is the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). This latest technology in cloud computing is an architecture model combining network and security-as-a-service functions to provide a single environment for all the required security tools. According to a Gartner forecast, SASE is becoming one of the most promising security trends for the years to come. It will soon be incorporated by no less than 40% of companies using cloud solutions.    

Enter the Future of Cloud Computing with Devox Software

Cloud computing is one of the fastest-growing digital industries. It enhances business operations and offers a more flexible, cost-effective, and easy-to-maintain environment for multiple modern industries. The use cases of cloud services have no limits: from Big Data analytics and SaaS to cloud storage and disaster recovery. 

Not surprisingly, cloud computing technology doesn’t stand still. It’s constantly evolving and actively interacting with other tech trends, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things, Edge Computing, and more. In 2022, cloud-based solutions will keep making advanced innovations more available to a large audience. 

Hopefully, our guide on the most significant cloud computing trends helped you see some opportunities to take your business capabilities to a new level. 

And, if you’re looking for a reliable web development partner, we at Devox Software are ready to help. Our experienced team always follows the latest trends in cloud computing and has diverse expertise in delivering future-proof, innovative web solutions. We can provide full-stack development, custom applications, support, maintenance, design, and re-design services. 

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