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Not to mention educational games, free lessons in Ted-ed, and other mind-blowing learning opportunities. The demand for digital platforms for webinars, virtual classrooms, and video content has increased since 2019 and has sped up EdTech development. According to the Holon IQ research platform EdTech global expenditure is going to reach $404 bl by 2025, representing a growth of 16.3% CAGR — a 2.5x increase between 2019-2025. 

All educational branches embrace digital transformation, from early childhood to workforce upskilling experience. As a leading software developer, Devox Software has been on the edge of technology since 2017, and in this article, we sum up the main education technology trends for the coming year.

Why are EdTechs popular in 2023

Over the past three years, technologies have radically changed the educational landscape.

EdTech in schools

Educators believe that EdTechs provide numerous significant advantages. For example, pupils with different perception speeds can learn at their own tempo, listen to webinars, and solve tasks as often as needed. The success of Khan Academy in such a crunching field as math proves the effectiveness of EdTech solutions.

Technologies at universities

Higher Education Segment is one of the largest contractors to EdTech and Smart Classrooms market growth. Tablet computing, gamification, learning analytics, 3D printing, and BYOD (bring your own device) culture have transformed students’ expectations of university. It seems that there is no turning back to the good old paper notes and crowded auditoriums.

Workplace and personal learning

EdTech’s primary function is to support the formal education sector. But they will play a significant role not only in schools and universities. Technologies are going to provide organizations worldwide with digital learning tools for workplace training and personalized learning platforms to help employees acquire relevant skills and mastery in particular areas.

EdTech markets

The recent market research estimates the global EdTech and Smart Classrooms Market annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.2% over 2022 – 2027.

At the same time, The Holon IQ resource predicts governments, employers, and consumers will spend around $7T annually on education and training by 2025. This means that technology has rooted in education and finds high esteem and financial support.

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10 EdTech Trends of 2022

The main idea of EdTech is to make education more engaging, individual, self-directed, and qualified. Here we have pointed out 10 trends in education technology that will help to reach this aim.

 1. Improved accessibility

Online learning allows students to access schools and degree programs outside of their city or country. Learners can find additional or better education and no longer be limited by their geographical area. 

Another inspiring EdTech perspective is to remove barriers to information that students with impairments like dyslexia or blindness experience. Text-to-speech programs or programs that transcribe dictated content allow learners with visual or audio reception difficulties, as well as reading disabilities, to pass school study courses and even earn degrees.

2. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

AI and ML create personalized eLearning experiences. Instead of a generalized study course, students can get personalized tasks based on their assessment results. 

A good case is adaptive English language learning with DuoLingvo. The company has designed its own AI and ML-technology called Birdbrain to personalize lessons. The system uses data from the more than 500 million exercises completed daily to learn how students cope with the content. Birdbrain picks and sorts exercises for each participant and generates dynamic lessons based on his particular progress and learning needs.

AI and ML-powered technologies have also found implementation in forecasting enrollment and identifying at-risk students in educational institutions. Devox Software team has used algorithms of this kind to develop a social media background and screening platform – Ferretly.  The SAAS is well suited for college admissions and recruiting and provides tremendous insight about applicants, whether for student-athletes or scholarships.

3. Edutainment

Edutainment combines the words `education` and `entertainment`, describing a game-based learning approach. 

The idea of using games in class is nothing new. Teachers and neurophysiologists have noticed that positive emotions while playing puzzles, crosswords, or guessing games, improve remembering and reduce stress caused by tests and learning strain.  Meanwhile, the digital era offers marvelous visualization instruments and powerful computer processing for game mechanics. 

For example, Kahoot Quizzes are a `must have` of a modern teachers’ toolbox. Kahoot platform allows educators to create animated tests on any possible subject. Students join the quiz distantly or in an offline group by the ID number. Questions and answer alternatives appear on the shared screen or class projector, while learners answer on their devices and see their scores straight away. This playful competition is exceptionally engaging. And a dopamine hormone due to quick achievements makes students literary happy. 

Edutainment centers and related services that provide game-based learning form a new market. According to The Business Research Company, the revenues earned from the educational entertainment market will grow to $9.82 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 15.9%.

4. Cloud-based learning

Cloud educational platforms have personal cabinets where learners can see their schedule, pass tests, track progress statistics, get help from the professor, and chat with groupmates.   

The flagship of massive online courses (MOOC) belongs to Coursera. The platform was founded in 2012 by Stanford University computer science professors. Today Coursera partners with more than 150 universities, including Stanford and Yale, offering over 4000 courses. 

Other educational providers like Udemy or LABA create online content to gain practical skills in all possible professions and industries, from project management to UI/UX design and copywriting. 

Learning platforms also find practical usage in banks, travel agencies, or healthcare, where there is a need to supply people with some general information about the service. Devox Software team has developed a unique learning platform Nabed that educates patients about the medical facilities of the healthcare center easily and engagingly. 

5. Digital transformation in the classroom

The most noticeable changes in modern classrooms are obligatory computer screens, projectors, interactive whiteboards, and TVs which enable the demonstration of online content and teachers’ presentations. When lessons take place online, physical devices are substituted by the students’ monitors. 

Beyond gadgets and classroom equipment, there are revolutionary changes in the organization of the study process with the help of cloud-based services like Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams.   

6. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

The difference between VR and AR is that virtual reality simulates an experience inside the computer environment, while augmented reality combines computer-generated content with the signals from the real world, such as movement, smell or taste. 

Virtual reality can substitute some parts of the educational experience which require expensive equipment or travel expenditures. The VR headset price is getting lower and might drop to $200 by 2023. It means that more schools can use them as a standard part of their curriculum. 10 headsets for the physics or chemistry labs might be cheaper than real physical equipment. 

7. More interaction between students and profs

The first MOOC for programming on Coursera in 2012 was a breakthrough. Thousands of people registered online. The perspective to change the world with free learning was visible and tempting. But in reality, less than 25% of learners managed to finish their study. 

In 2020 the dropout rate on MOOC varies between 91%-93%. Students feel isolation and frustration while learning by themselves. Bright videos and animated presentations still fail to substitute live knowledge exchange between teacher and learning group.  

The interaction between students and lecturers is the most important factor in improving the effectiveness of eLearning. Progressive EdTech solutions will implement more communication opportunities like mentorship, group meetings, and chats to support attendance and straighten human connections.   

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8. Workforce upskilling

Skill gaps are inevitable in a world that changes at an ever-increasing speed. Most employers understand that training is a vital contributor to organizational development and constantly think of Learding&Development strategies that would be practical for the company and beneficial to workers. Here EdTech online learning opportunities help reduce expenses on course material and rent.

The global shift towards remote work also requires online staff education and a digital mindset development among employees. Digital upskilling and digital transformation are at the top of L&D to-do list, according to the LinkedIn report. 

9. Aim for employer expectations

Education becomes increasingly practical, aiming to give people skills and knowledge they actually need for future work and not for a diploma or a line on their CV. The true educational result is employment. Therefore EdTech startups should teach people how to present themselves to employers, write a CV and cover letter, speak in an interview and evaluate their work.

On the other side, employees should be active and research for themselves what the employer requires. Thus, educational startups could adapt the curriculum to those expectations.

10. Digital security

In January 2022, a high school data breach impacted 23 California Districts. The schools notified state officials that their students’ private data was compromised by the Illuminate Education Breach.

The incident shows the risk of educational technology. Lots of personal data stored in school and university records attract hackers. Villains aim for Social Security numbers, bank accounts, phone numbers of students, parents, and staff. This makes security a burning issue of EdTech implementation.

Professional EdTech Performance with Devox Software

Most EdTech startups, from preschool to adult learning, employ sites and mobile application development to reach the goal. Professional internet performance and robust workflow are crucial in retaining students and finding sponsors in a fast-extending market. That is why saving money on Web, and mobile applications development might lead to the failure of the entire educational project. 

Devox Software has an experienced team of software developers and successful cases of creating digital platforms using AI, ML, and NLP technologies. So if you have an EdTech project on your mind and are looking for a reliable partner, drop us a line.