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Adapting those innovations to your current business needs increases your chances of staying competitive in the market and addressing increasing customer expectations. In contrast, when staying with an outdated system or application, your organization risks compromising security and losing revenue. 

So what should you do to keep your system up-to-date? And what are the most significant trends in enterprise software that will shape the future of big businesses in 2022? Let’s find out!

This article will rely on the Devox Software team’s ample expertise in software development to explain all you should know about the top enterprise application trends.

What is Enterprise Software Development?

Before moving on to trends in enterprise software, we need to understand the definition.

Enterprise software development is the creation of a unique development that will be aimed at solving business problems or simplifying its work. As a rule, such software is used in especially large organizations where it is difficult to organize a workflow without auxiliary resources. It consists of different business tools that will suit your entrepreneurial activity.

Each development is individual in its way and depends on your niche and type of activity, but this does not prevent us from highlighting the following general advantages of corporate information development:

  • Inventory Management. You will be able to track how much and what resources you have left;
  • Financial Accounting. You can easily track where the bulk of the funds go.
  • Personnel Management. Depending on the development, you can control the amount of work done by each member of your team.
  • Business analytics. Analysis is very important in any process. Therefore, special developments can help you simplify the process of doing business and analysis.
  • Sales management. Almost every business is associated with the sale of certain products or services. Thanks to the software, tracking them will become much easier.
  • Manufacturing control. If you create some products, then with the help of individual corporate development, you can easily control the entire creation process.

Why do you need to develop enterprise software?

The scope of business management software extends from office automation itself to accounting, databases, human and business resource management, customer management, logistics and supply chain management, and more. It is safe to say that thanks to modern technology, for any type of action, task, or activity that a company needs to perform to run its business, it is possible to create or find a unique development that will easily cope with all of the above tasks. When tasks are streamlined and optimized, then overall performance improves.

The main benefit of developing, programming, or building business management software is that these applications can manage various business processes in a very flexible or even fully automated way. Another reason to develop an enterprise product is that many of the programs can interact with each other, further facilitating the business processes that the software can perform by getting data from different sources and applications.

Therefore, to keep up with the times, simplify the work process and control the development of the enterprise, corporate applications are needed.

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Top 10 Enterprise Application Trends

Now, we have figured out what enterprise software development is. So let’s safely move on to the leading enterprise software trends that will help you stay competitive in the market and increase productivity.

1. Blockchain for Business Apps

Blockchain technology is now more popular than ever. Every day we hear this word more and more often. Blockchain is a technology that stores information in a special chain, which consists of blocks. This development is actively used in cryptocurrency topics, as well as marketing, computer games, and even applications.

We can say that the main function of the blockchain is the processing of a large amount of secret information. Therefore, if we talk about corporate software, then such a development will help protect all your data. You can be sure that all information is well reserved, as it is hosted on a network of computers and is not limited to one server.

If you decide to use this technology, then you will ensure the security of confidential data, the ability to exchange cryptocurrency, and many other useful and necessary business opportunities.

2. DevOps

DevOps occupies a special place among enterprise software trends 2022. This is a special methodology that helps to quickly implement a project by establishing communication with programmers and system administrators.

This methodology has become one of the current enterprise software trends, thanks to the rapid development and optimization of products, rather than using traditional ways of working on software.
Thus, you get the following benefits:

  • High speed;
  • Fast realization of products;
  • Reliable development;
  • Scaling;
  • Security

3. Low-code and no-code development

Low code and no-code development take their special place among the best enterprise application trends. This is all due to the benefits that this methodology gives to the developer. The thing is that now almost anyone who has no programming experience and relevant skills can create an application. This approach allows more people to participate in the development.

If we talk about low-code, then this requires some knowledge of languages ​​and coding, and the system itself will supply ready-made components, you will only need to combine them correctly.

No-code development allows you to create applications without programming skills and knowledge. You simply set up the required model using the platform interface.

4. Artificial intelligence augmentation

Artificial intelligence is a technology that would seem to be so far from reality, but in fact, it is no longer so. Every day, this technology is increasingly being used in various areas of our lives. Enterprise software is no exception. Therefore, AI is on our list of enterprise software trends 2022.

Today, Artificial Intelligence is closely related to data analysis, cybersecurity, online banking, business intelligence, expert systems, and much more. A lot of enterprises around the world have already applied this technology. Therefore, in the future, even greater growth in the use of artificial intelligence is expected.

5. Enhanced cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is more relevant now than ever. That’s because data leaks, cyberattacks, fraud, hacks, DDoS attacks, and other dangerous events are increasing daily. Therefore, among the enterprise high-productivity application platform trends, various security solutions are relevant. These can be technical solutions related to special systems and means of protection, legal support of information, and organizational measures to ensure the organization’s security.

6. Big data growing bigger

Big data is another essential mention in the enterprise software trends list. In simple words, these are large amounts of information that are analyzed using special computer technologies. This includes information that cannot be processed in traditional ways. With the help of big data, you can act faster, increase conversions and satisfy customer needs. You will be able to analyze the state of your enterprise, build strategies, automate processes, and more. That is, you quickly and efficiently process a large amount of information and benefit from it. Due to its advantages, this trend will continue to develop.

7. Monitoring data with the fitness function

One of the most significant enterprise software trends is run cost as the architecture fitness function. This method is called so because it allows you to continuously monitor the necessary data. Thus, you can regularly monitor the state of the product, maintain its functionality and analyze whether there are any deviations from the expected result and whether it is time to make changes in the architecture.

In general, the fitness function has a special place in the list of enterprise application trends due to the ability to analyze and understand how close this solution is to the goal.

8. Metaverse

Over the past few years, the metaverse has been in the spotlight of the digital world. Businesses actively implement AR and VR technologies, which are no longer seen only as part of the gaming industry. And, although many aspects of the metaverse remain unexplored, we expect it to keep evolving as one of the most promising enterprise technology trends

In 2022, metaverse will continue to change approaches to business and monetization. It will likely become more available, offering virtual and augmented reality benefits to a wider customer audience. Enterprises can use these innovations to make the user experience more immersive, promote their products, and improve employee collaboration. Also, VR and AR solutions can empower other innovative technologies, including IoT and artificial intelligence.  

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9. Progressive and hybrid apps

One of the most noteworthy enterprise software trends is progressive and hybrid application development. This approach combines the advantages of websites and mobile apps to achieve SEO-friendliness, convenience, and speed, all in one package. 

In simple terms, a Progressive Web App (PWA) is a website that looks and functions as a mobile app. It offers the same features as a native mobile solution yet doesn’t require purchasing, downloading, and installing software from the app store. A hybrid app, in turn, allows developers to adopt specific frameworks that combine native and web applications’ features.

Here are the most significant benefits an enterprise can gain when turning to PWA or hybrid app development:

  • Shorter loading time
  • Good performance
  • Mobile app features
  • No app store required
  • Seamless updates

If you’re interested in PWA or hybrid solutions, contact our team. DevoxSoftware developers have rich expertise in developing Xamarin, Flutter, and cross-platform solutions.

10. Cloud computing

Finally, we can’t do without cloud computing when talking about the latest trends in enterprise software. Statista reports that the public cloud market is expected to reach nearly $600 billion by 2023. That’s because cloud migration has become the most effective, inexpensive, and result-driven way to modernize the existing software and take business capabilities to the next level.

Here are several reasons why companies may prefer to move to the cloud in 2022:

  • Enhanced flexibility and agility
  • Fast upgrade of legacy software and outdated ERP systems
  • Meeting increased customer expectations
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Simplified IT infrastructure
  • Convenient as-a-Service solutions

Follow the latest enterprise application trends with Devox

If you want your development to be modern, new, unique, and keep up with the times, then without enterprise application development trends, there is nowhere. Your company must be able to adapt to modern technologies to compete with opponents.

Remember that before applying enterprise application trends, choose the most suitable one, analyze its benefits specifically for your niche and your corporate development, and conclude whether it will suit your individual needs or not.

Looking for a reliable partner to help you modernize your existing application or build one from scratch? We at DevoxSoftware are here for you. Our team provides various services, from web app development to UI/UX design and DevOps consulting. We always follow the latest enterprise application development trends and focus on our clients’ unique requirements. Get in touch to build a robust solution tailored to your business needs.