
Software Development Services for Startups

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Embody your vision with certainty and bring your idea to life faster with Devox’s software development services for startups. We will help you ideate your product, carve business logic, and conduct software development up to the maintenance stage.

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Our Services

Startup Software Development Services We Provide

Outsourcing software development for startups should be straightforward and easy. Get acquainted with what Devox has to offer. Within each of our services, we offer the possibility of a deeper dive into the process and a comprehensive assessment of every relatable aspect.

  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development

    We develop a lean version of your product, incorporating only the essential features that allow you to launch quickly and test the market’s response. MVP development helps minimize investment while testing hypotheses about customer needs and product usability, providing valuable insights that inform future development.

  • CTO As A Service

    If you require expertise and guidance for your technical team or product development, we can “rent out” a Chief Technical Officer. This person will work on your project exclusively, acting and making decisions in your product’s interest and serving as a healthy alternative to full-time hiring. You will get an alignment between the development team and processes in question, as well as a clear tech strategy.

  • SDLC & Technology Consulting

    Leverage expert advice to make informed decisions about technology choices. We can help you choose the right tools and technologies, design efficient system architectures, and adopt modern practices that enhance productivity and innovation in your software development processes.

  • Custom Software Development for Startups

    We can help you develop software solutions that perfectly align with your startup’s unique requirements and business goals. Whether it’s web or mobile applications or more complicated systems, we align your goals with our process to ensure every feature enhances your specific operational workflows, increases productivity, and delivers a competitive edge.

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  • Product Development and Scaling

    Whether starting from scratch with your requirements or continuing the successful MVP development, we can help you scale up your idea to a full-scale product and make it up and running. Within this service, we emphasize market research, think out additional functions and enhance architecture, and tap into more user testing. Get a market-ready product that is both scalable and aligned with user expectations.

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  • Product and Brand Design

    Let us suit up your product, giving it a compelling visual identity and user interface. We will think out the user roles and create an interface for each of them, prioritizing your brand message and look. We also work on brand identity, designing a comprehensive look that will work toward client persuasion and a complete brand story.

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  • Blockchain Solutions for Startups

    Get decentralized applications and systems =leveraging blockchain technology. Following the classic SDLC, we deliver scalable blockchain solutions starting with an MVP. A blockchain-based app will be useful for spheres like finance, supply chain, and identity verification.

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  • AI Solutions for Startups

    Creating intelligent solutions powered by artificial intelligence. Whether you want to leverage machine learning, natural language processing, or computer vision, we can help incorporate those on an acceptable cost level and product stage level. Automate and enhance decision-making processes, improving user experience on the way.

Our Benefits

Benefits of Software Development Services for Your Startup by Devox

Custom startup software development should be trusted to professionals who understand and respect its core idea, contributing their skill and inspiration to the purpose behind it. Let us tell you why Devo can be one such team for you.

  • Tailored Solutions for Each Startup

    It’s not just about the length of our capacity and broad set of skills - it’s about our flexibility as a startup outsource software development provider. Unlike off-the-shelf software, a tailored application can integrate seamlessly into existing workflows, enhance user experience based on specific customer behaviors, and address unique market demands.

  • Access to Expertise and Advanced Technologies

    If you have a small development team and lack talent or expertise in any needed technology, we can help you fill this gap. Starting with a detailed requirements analysis, we will assess what technical expertise is required and share or experienced professionals who are up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry best practices.

  • Dedicated Teams with Startup Experience

    We’ve been there: starting from a startup ourselves and working with similar startups after having grown, in Devox, we understand every single startup-related pain with our skin. Whether you’re dealing with a limited budget, lack of expertise, unclear product vision or other complexities, Devox can either allocate specialists to cover this issue or tailor the proposition.

  • Faster Time to Market

    Software development services enable rapid prototyping and development through established frameworks and methodologies, such as Agile and DevOps. These practices support continuous integration and delivery, allowing startups to launch products faster and iterate based on user feedback. A quicker time to market can provide a competitive advantage, especially in industries where being first can dictate market leadership.

  • Risk Mitigation

    Software development involves various risks, including technical, financial, and operational risks. Rely on Devox’s experience to minimize their probability in your project: we will bring the combination of skill and intuition in project management and quality assurance to help mitigate these risks. Be sure that best practices are followed for security, compliance, and performance standards, reducing the likelihood of costly errors or failures.

  • Cost-Effective Development Practices

    Startups must manage their budget wisely. Regarding possible budget constraints, Devox is ready to lend a hand, offering cost-saving strategies that won’t eventually ruin the result. See what we can do below.

How We Help Startups

How We Help Startups Manage Software Development Costs


Transparent Cost Structures

If we take on your startup as a client, we clearly outline all charges associated with software development, including hourly rates, material costs, and any additional fees. This way, you can plan your budgets more effectively and avoid unexpected expenses.


Strategies for Minimizing Startup Development Costs

The realm of software development offers numerous instruments for budget development that don’t compromise quality. For startups, we put an emhasiz on such solutions: those are, for example, open-source technologies and tools, Agile adoption and adjusting requirements when actually needed, and focusing on MVP first instead of going for a full-scale product within first rounds of financing.


Options for Flexible Engagement Models

Collaborate with us in any commitment type you like. We can work in a time-and-material model, where you pay for the actual time and resources spent by us, settle for a milestone-based project (paid by milestone), or assemble a dedicated team where payment will depend on each developers’ hourly rate.

Technologies We Use

Technologies We Use for Startup Software Development

  • Web 3

    • Arbitrum
    • Chainlink
    • Ethers.js
    • EVM
    • Hardhat
    • Moralis
    • OpenZeppelin
    • NOWNodes
    • Truffle
    • Web3.js
  • Artificial Intelligence

    • Caffe
    • Chainer
    • CNTK
    • DL4J
    • OpenCV
    • Theano
  • DevOps & Cloud

    • AWS
    • Azure
    • Datadog
    • Docker
    • GitLab CI/CD
    • Google Cloud
    • Grafana
    • Jenkins
    • Kubernetes
    • Podman
    • Terraform
  • Back End

    • .NET
    • Django
    • Express.js
    • Flask
    • Java Spring
    • NestJS
    • Node.js
    • PHP
    • Python
    • Ruby
  • Front End

    • Angular
    • HTML/CSS
    • JavaScript 
    • Next.js
    • PWA
    • React.js
    • Svelte
    • TypeScript
    • Vue.js
Our Process

Our Software Development Process for Startups

When conducting custom software development for startups, we follow the classic software development life cycle (SDLC): starting with consulting, we then plan our actions, develop the software, test it before deployment, and finally release it. Read about our process in more detail.


01. Idea Validation and Conceptualization

Before any code is written, we elicit your requirements and validate the startup's idea against market needs. This involves researching potential users, understanding their problems, and confirming that the proposed solution holds genuine value. We then help you conceptualize the idea, defining the product vision and establishing clear goals for what the software should achieve.


02. Planning and Roadmapping

Once the idea is validated, it’s time to start planning the scope of the software, picking the technology stack, and creating a product roadmap. For startups, it's important to prioritize features that offer the highest value and align with business goals. Regardless of the ordered end service, this is the stage where we start developing the concept of your MVP.


03. Design and Prototyping

In this phase, UI/UX designers create the software’s interface focusing on user experience. Designers strive to make the application intuitive and engaging. Prototyping allows for testing design concepts and iterating based on feedback, ensuring the final product will be well-received by users. Starting with black and white wireframes, we gradually move on to the colored, bright and full design.


04. Software Development

This is the actual coding phase where our developers build the software according to the specifications defined earlier. Working with startups, we employ agile methodologies, allowing for flexible and iterative coding practices, quick pivots based on testing results, and ongoing integration of new features and fixes.


05. Testing and Quality Assurance

The way we test a freshly-made application is very rigorous: the primary metrics we check are stability, security and performance. Testing can include automated unit tests, integration tests, system testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). This stage helps identify and fix bugs before the software is launched to the public.


06. Launch

The launch phase involves deploying the software in a live environment where users can start interacting with it. This often starts with a soft launch targeting a limited audience to gather initial feedback, followed by a full launch.


07. Maintenance and Iteration

Post-launch, the software needs continuous monitoring and updating. This includes fixing any emerging issues, releasing updates to improve functionality, and possibly adding new features. Apart from providing this function, we also gather user feedback which is crucial as it informs further iterations of the product.


08. Scaling

Scaling the software becomes necessary as the user base grows and the startup evolves or if you were initially doing the MVP and are ready to grow the product. When growing the solution, we optimize the code, enhance infrastructure, expand the range of features and functions, and integrate advanced technologies to support a larger audience.

  • 01. Idea Validation and Conceptualization

  • 02. Planning and Roadmapping

  • 03. Design and Prototyping

  • 04. Software Development

  • 05. Testing and Quality Assurance

  • 06. Launch

  • 07. Maintenance and Iteration

  • 08. Scaling



  • What types of software development services do you offer to startups?

    We specialize in a range of software development services tailored for startups, including custom software development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP) creation, mobile and web application development, cloud solutions, and AI integration. Our services are designed to be flexible and scalable to meet the dynamic needs of startups at various stages of growth.

  • How do you ensure the software you develop is scalable and flexible enough to support our growth?

    Our development approach incorporates scalable architectures and technologies from the outset. We utilize cloud-based solutions, microservices architectures, and implement best practices in scalable database design and API integration. This ensures that as your startup grows, your software can scale smoothly without needing extensive rework.

  • What is your pricing model for software development services?

    While working with startups, we offer a range of flexible pricing models like T&M (Time and Material), milestone-based, dedicated team, or team augmentation. Devox doesnt work for a fixed price as we believe in a precise check and value delivery: carefully evaluating the resources spent both saves time-to-market for your future product and your budget as our startup client.

  • Can we make changes to the project scope mid-development?

    We understand that flexibility is essential for startup software development. While we plan thoroughly, we are prepared to accommodate changes to the project scope as your needs evolve. Our agile development approach allows for iterative assessments and modifications throughout the project, ensuring the final product aligns with your evolving business requirements.

  • How do you handle data security and privacy during development?

    Data security and privacy are paramount in our development process. We adhere to the best practices and standards such as GDPR and HIPAA, as applicable. From the initial coding phases through to deployment, we implement robust security measures including secure coding practices, data encryption, and compliance checks to ensure your software is secure and trustworthy.

  • What kind of support can we expect after the software is launched?

    While not every software development agency provides support and maintenance for a product post-launch, Devox stays in touch with startup clients. We provide comprehensive maintenance and support services that include bug fixes, performance monitoring, and feature upgrades. Our support packages are designed to ensure your software remains robust and efficient, with various levels of service to match your needs.


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