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Software Development Services for Logistics Startups

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Set free of technological limitations and tackle scalability issues once and forever with Devox’s assistance to your logistics startup. Experience seamless integration, real-time tracking, and optimized resource management with our capacity as consultants, dedicated team, or technical partner.

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Our Services

Logistics Startup Software Development Services We Provide

We can help your logistics company startup achieve its business goals without any cost overhead. Rely on our expertise to obtain a tailored solution, detailed consulting, or a dedicated team or professional.

  • Custom Logistical Application Development

    Whether you need software to manage goods movements (TMS), warehouse operations (WMS), inventory (IMS), ERP, fleet or freight management solutions, or anything concerning the client side, like delivery or order management software, Devox can develop it for you. Starting with an MVP, we can move on to a full-scale product after deployment, providing either a full-time team or taking one or several aspects into operation.

  • Mobile Application Development

    Let us adapt your existing solution for mobile or include this version in a from-scratch development, making it available cross-platform (both for iOS and Android). Get a user-friendly application with a variety of adapted functionalities for any actor of the logistical process, be it a warehouse worker or vehicle operator, manager or corporate worker, or end client.

  • IoT and Real-Time Tracking Solutions

    We can integrate the Internet of Things (IoT) into your tracking system or make it a part of an in-house TMS. You will enable the goods’ location monitoring, oversee the vehicle or shipment status in real-time, and even track environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity) of goods during transit and storage.

  • Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

    Get a self-sufficient BI tool that will incorporate dashboards providing real-time insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) and operational metrics, track and analyze the logistics operations performance, integrate and analyze large datasets and perform a range of other functions using historical data. You will optimize routes, get better demand prediction and tackle risks before they arise.

  • Automation & AI Solutions

    Leverage the power of machine learning to automate routine tasks such as order processing, inventory management, and dispatching. Pick other types of AI that can help you handle more complicated issues like forecasting, route optimization, predictive maintenance, or fraud detection. Alternatively, go for NLP in customer service or personalized recommendation engines on the client-side to retain your customers – whatever you pick, Devox can help implement it for you.

  • Cloud-Based Solutions

    Our team can set up cloud services (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) to reduce the need for on-premises hardware and infrastructure. Leverage scalable, pay-as-you-go models that can save costs. One of the other cloud possibilities is Software as a Service (SaaS) applications for non-core functionalities like customer relationship management (CRM) or human resources (HR) to avoid development costs. They perform various logistics functions, reducing the need for on-premises hardware.

  • Blockchain Logistics Startups Solutions

    Integrate blockchain technology to enhance the security and transparency of transactions and supply chain data. It ensures traceability thanks to NFTs that mark a certain item, which is essential for high-value goods. Blockchain is also great for cybersecurity as its architecture is a lot more tamper-proof thanks to the distribution of nodes.

  • Integration & Scaling

    Devox can help you upgrade from the legacy stack in your system, expand your MVP to a full-scale product or simply scale your system by adding up more user roles and functionalities. Alternatively, we can integrate cutting-edge technologies into your product (IoT, blockchain, AI, cloud), making your offer more adaptable and competitive.

Our Benefits

Benefits of Software Development Services for Your Logistics Startup by Devox

We know that new logistics startups face a lot of pains in their first years. Devox can help you tackle a number of those, taking some of those off your shoulders.

  • Drive Competitive Advantage

    Be absolutely sure your market offering and the value you propose will drive you ahead of competitors. With our help, you’ll incorporate the latest technologies that will make the software work swiftly and add a set of convenient features users lack, such as real-time tracking, automated dispatch, and personalized customer experiences.

  • Enhance Operational Efficiency

    Make your internal operations worth every penny invested and eliminate the concerns about possible cost overhead once and for all. Automation the AI solutions bring strikes a jackpot by eliminating manual processes, quickening task completion time and freeing up your team from tasks where a human factor potentially can be a burden.

  • Gain Real-Time Visibility

    Obtain a third eye in terms of overseeing your operations without headaches or micromanagement. Rely on IoT sensors or blockchain nodes and pegged tokens to monitor the real-time location and status of shipments, vehicles, and inventory, ensuring timely deliveries and better customer service. You will also receive real-time notifications about delays, route changes, or other critical issues.

  • Improve Customer Service

    Make your customers loyal by tackling their every demand, providing momentary updates and notifications about their orders and deliveries, In the meantime, the well-tuned internal infrastructure will ensure orders are processed and delivered accurately and on time, enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Tap into Compliance and Reporting

    Let the right software help you ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards. You will be able to generate detailed reports for regulatory requirements, performance analysis, and strategic planning in a matter of moments, reducing the risk of fines and legal issues.

  • Collaborate Effectively

    Make your supplier, partner and internal team relationship last with better communication tools enabled by integrated systems and real-time data sharing. Your employees on different levels will be informed about any changes, new shipments, or processes progress timely, while your business will thrive on clockwork-like work.

Our Process

Our Software Development Process for Logistics Startups

When developing a solution for a logistic startup, we follow the classic software development life cycle. Of course, we prioritize the consulting stage and your individual requirements, basing our development on your final goals.


01. Requirement Gathering and Analysis

We set up a range of calls with you to identify and document the specific needs and goals you have as a startup and the requirements for the software in question. This is when we understanding your expectations and gathering detailed requirements, analyzing them afterward to ensure they are feasible and aligned with your startup's objectives.


02. Planning and Project Management

We develop and present a detailed project plan, outlining the timeline, resources, and milestones needed to achieve it. This plan includes the necessary team setup, which we discuss before defining the scope of the project and allocating tasks to team members. Before starting development, we establish communication channels and set up project management tools.


03. Design and Prototyping

Our team od designers works on design mockups and wireframes to visualize the user interface and user experience. We then develop prototypes to validate design concepts and gather feedback from your stakeholders, gradually presenting the ready-made screens. Based on your feedback, we extend or refine the design and align it with architecture.


04. Development

Our developers write the code to build the software, following the design specifications and project plan.We implement core functionalities and integrate necessary third-party services and APIs. Naturally, the development team conducts regular code reviews and ensures adherence to coding standards and best practices.


05. Testing and Quality Assurance

Having finished the software, we perform various types of testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing: we check how each of its components interact with each other, how the software integrates with others and how users perceive the application’s UI accordingly. We do it to identify and fix bugs and issues to ensure the software meets quality standards, finally validating the software functions correctly and fulfills all requirements.


06. Deployment

The development team prepares the software for deployment by setting up the necessary infrastructure and environment. We deploy it to a staging environment for final testing and validation and finally roll out the application to the production environment for live use by end-users. After that, we supply the technical documentation and user manuals to facilitate the adoption.


07. Maintenance and Support

We keep an eye on the software for performance and reliability issues, fixing bugs and updating the system. If we were working on an MVP, we can scale the system upon your demand, introducing new features and improving functionality.

  • 01. Requirement Gathering and Analysis

  • 02. Planning and Project Management

  • 03. Design and Prototyping

  • 04. Development

  • 05. Testing and Quality Assurance

  • 06. Deployment

  • 07. Maintenance and Support



  • What types of software solutions do you offer for logistics startups?

    We offer a comprehensive range of software solutions tailored to the unique needs of logistics startups, including fleet management software, warehouse management systems (WMS), transportation management systems (TMS), delivery management software, and supply chain management (SCM) solutions. Our services also encompass custom ERP systems, real-time tracking solutions, data analytics and reporting tools, and mobile applications.

  • What is the typical timeline for developing a custom logistics software solution?

    The timeline for developing a custom logistics software solution depends on the complexity and scope of the project. Typically, the process includes stages such as requirement gathering, planning, design, development, testing, deployment, and training. On average, a standard project can take anywhere from a few months to a year. We work closely with our clients to establish a realistic timeline and ensure timely delivery.

  • What kind of support and maintenance do you provide after the software is deployed?

    After deployment, we offer comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure the smooth functioning of your software. This includes regular updates, bug fixes, performance monitoring, and user support. We also provide training and documentation to help your team get the most out of the new system. Our goal is to ensure your software remains up-to-date and continues to meet your evolving business needs.

  • Do you provide mobile commerce solutions for eCommerce startups?

    Yes, we specialize in mobile commerce solutions. We create native and cross-platform mobile apps to provide your customers with a convenient and engaging shopping experience on their smartphones and tablets. Our mobile apps are designed to enhance user engagement and drive sales.

  • What is your approach to project management during software development?

    We follow an agile project management approach to ensure flexibility, transparency, and collaboration throughout the software development process. This involves iterative development, regular feedback loops, and continuous communication with stakeholders to ensure the project stays on track and meets your expectations.


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