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Does that mean that the average web developer salary is higher than in other tech niches? Let’s find out.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through a web developer average salary by country.

Our study area includes such locations as the United States, Canada, and Ukraine, as well as other European hubs, Canada, and Australia.

We’ve built our research on the data from both global and local job boards as well as leading review sites, including Glassdoor, Payscale, and Salary estimates are collected directly from employers and anonymous employees. In this article, you will see a 2023 market forecast with approximate salary estimates.

For convenience, all salaries are listed in USD.

Web developer salary in the US

If you want to work in a place where you get paid top-dollar, you may want to consider moving to the United States. Home to high-flying enterprises, the United States ups the ante for a web developer salary as well. The median web developer salary US i expected to range between $71,781 and $173,000 in 2023. But this number depends on two main factors.

Average web developer salary $135,670  $128,560
Junior web developer salary $71,781  $90,000
Middle web developer salary $125,500 $116,445
Senior web developer salary $173,000 $163,137

First of all, the median salary of web developer will depend on their experience and knowledge. In the US, there is a big discrepancy between beginners and seasoned professionals. Let’s look at the numbers provided by Glassdoor, Talent, and PayScale.

In 2023, job portals list an average number of $90,000 for entry level coders.

Even on the lower end of the spectrum, they will still make $71,781, according to Glassdoor. The top-ranking web specialists will be getting between $180,000 and $195,000 per year. Middle web developers will rake in around $135,670 in 2023, as Glassdoor states.

Regular web developer salary also varies greatly by state. If we look at the average index of US-based pay, New York and California traditionally have the highest compensation for web developer jobs.

According to Glassdoor, the median web developer salary in New York will stand at $132,827 in 2023, which will be lower than in the state of California ($146,214). Thus, an annual web developer salary in San Jose will reach $ 132,697, while San Francisco will break the record with a yearly income of $ 141,956 in the following year.

These numbers can be attributed to the stand of those states in the US tech landscape. Silicon Valley in Northern California is known to be the cradle of today’s IT industry. Hence, San Francisco and San Jose became the destinations that gained from proximity as well as the talent pool. And in 2019, New York caught up with California’s acknowledged tech hubs and was listed as a front-runner in the U.S. tech scene.

The numbers are smaller in other locations. In Jacksonville, a web developer salary in Florida amounts to $127,728 in 2023. In Illinois, the average web developer salary in Chicago is bigger with companies paying $136,257 for web designer talent.

The web developer salary in Texas is at a similar level. The yearly income of web developers lies in the range of $103,970-$124,746. According to the data, Dallas will remain the highest-paying location in the state.

Users on Payscale report that Washington’s numbers are on par with Florida and Chicago, and this tendency will remain in 2023. Here, an average web developer salary stands at $126,157. Another recruitment platform provides a higher number of $131,245. North Carolina boasts more modest salaries with a median of $123,324.

It should be noted that there’s an internal cleft among US locations since the numbers differ based on a particular portal. reports the highest salaries, including:

  • Dallas, Texas – $122,130
  • Raleigh, North Carolina – $126,140
  • San Jose, California – $132,120
  • Charlotte, North Carolina – $120,050
  • Seattle, Washington – $131,150
  • Austin, Texas – $125,900
  • San Francisco, California – $132,540

But despite the discrepancy, the general pattern remains the same – the US is a leading tech hub with the highest compensation.

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Web Developer Salaries by Language

Another driver that impacts the average web developer salary compensation is the knowledge and use of a particular programming language. Some technologies are in more demand than others which translates into the amount of compensation. You can rely on popular community indexes to prove the viability of your skill.

Here is a list of the top 14 coding languages worldwide in 2023, followed by the median web developer job salary (according to Payscale):

  • HTML/CSS – $97k per year; 
  • PHP – $127k per year;
  • SQL – $118k per year;
  • Javascript – $130k per year;
  • C# – $132k per year;
  • C++ – $118k per year;
  • Java – $127k per year;
  • Python – $117k per year;
  • Perl – $1134k per year;
  • Ruby – $138k per year;
  • Rust – $156k per year;
  • Kotlin – $107k per year;
  • Go – $135k per year;
  • Scala – $134k per year.

Web developer salary in Europe

Europe’s tech scene is vibrant and resilient with high-ranking tech hubs and enterprises. We’ve compared the main IT centers and their web developer salary.

The geographical coverage includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, and France. We’ve also performed thorough research across the countries of Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands as well as Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine.

Glassdoor PayScale
Austria $82,010 $81,334
Belgium $67,467 $68,487
Denmark $92,858 $93,876
Sweden $82,926 $85,000
Norway $85,000 $82,224
Finland $86,664 $86,119
France $73,270 $80,752
Germany $87,212 $95,046
Ireland $83,511 $84,456
Luxembourg $79,000 $83,661
The Netherlands $71,433 $78,000
Switzerland $110,00 $114,940
The United Kingdom $85,924 $88,957

Salary of a Web Developer in the UK

The United Kingdom has one of the largest technology ecosystems globally. It’s home to thousands of tech start-ups, breeding on a strong entrepreneurial culture. Over the last few years, the number of British unicorns grew from eight to 81, while the number of near-unicorn companies grew tenfold.

The fertile ground has contributed positively to the median web developer salary in the UK.

Glassdoor Payscale
Average $85,924 $88,957
Junior $47,000 $40,000
Middle $71,000 $78,000
Senior $93,000 $89,000

Overall, UK-located web designers will make around $85,924 in the following year. This number is lower than in the USA but is considered to be among the highest in Europe.

An entry level web developer salary reaches the maximum of $47,000, while the average senior web developer salary increases twofold – $93,000 per year. Middle web coders can expect to get between $71,000 and $78,000 annually.

Salary of a Web Developer in France

Glassdoor Payscale
Average $73,270 $80,752
Junior $46,000 $38,540
Middle $61,650 $58,087
Senior $84,560 $88,670

A person working as a Web Developer in France typically earns around $73,270 per year. Experience-wise, this amount differs based on the seniority level. Entry level web developer salary starts at $38,540, while more experienced designers raise their pay to $61,650. Senior web developer salary will be traditionally higher in 2023, with a minimum of $84,560, according to Salary Explorer.

Benelux region

Country Glassdoor Payscale
Luxembourg $79,000 $83,661
Belgium $67,467 $68,487
The Netherlands $71,433 $78,000

All of the Benelux countries are innovation-driven economies, which makes them prominent AI hubs in the region. The local remuneration corresponds to the eminence of the Benelux region.


Average (Glassdoor) $79,000
Junior (Glassdoor) $53,650
Middle (Glassdoor) $78,700
Senior (Glassdoor) $97,678

The average web developer gross salary in Luxembourg will reach $79,000 in 2023. Starting salary web developer (1-3 years of experience) reaches a maximum of $53,650. On the other end, a senior level web coder (8+ years of experience) makes up to $97,678 per year. Middle-level programmers take a middle position with $78,700 of yearly income.


Average (Glassdoor) $67,467
Junior (Glassdoor) $39,760
Middle (Glassdoor) $58,760
Senior (Glassdoor) $77,650

In the following year, the median salary will be $67,467 per year, which means that half of the web developers are earning less than that while the other half are paid above the average. Web developer salary entry level equates to $39,760, according to Glassdoor. More established programmers raise their annual wages to $58,760 for mid-level and $77,650 for seniors.

the Netherlands

Average (Glassdoor) $71,433
Junior (Glassdoor) $51,300
Middle (Glassdoor) $79,560
Senior (Glassdoor) $95,600

The Netherlands is considered to have one of the largest startup ecosystems in Europe. The country hosts innovation and unprecedented digital infrastructure.

However, as our forecast demonstrates, the average web developer salary will not be the highest in the region. Thus, the junior web developer salary in the Netherlands is $51,300, while mid-level web designers can expect to get $79,560 per year in 2023. Senior positions come with higher wages of $95,600.

The average salary web developer will reach $71,433.

Nordic Region

Country Glassdoor Payscale
Denmark $92,858 $93,876
Finland $86,664 $86,119
Sweden $82,926 $85,000

The Nordics tech market has enjoyed a reputation of being one of the most innovation-friendly locations in the EU countries. In 2020, the European Innovation Scoreboard listed Nordic countries at the top of European and global rankings. Let’s see whether the median web developer salary matches the high rankings.


Average (Glassdoor) $92,858
Junior (Glassdoor) $61,450
Middle (Glassdoor) $81,450
Senior (Glassdoor) $107,856

The average salary for a web developer will reach $92,858, which is the highest wage in Europe so far. Beginners make a median of $61,450, while proficient web designers raise the price tag to $107,856 per year. Companies are reported to offer $81,450 for middle-level positions next year.


Average (Glassdoor) $86,664
Junior (Glassdoor) $50,600
Middle (Glassdoor) $79,450
Senior (Glassdoor) $98,560

In France, the typical web developer salary will reach $86,664. Middle level positions will match the nationwide standard and equal $79,450 per year. The common senior web designer salary will be above the average and reach the maximum of $98,650. Fresheners will be compensated with $50,600 in annual wages.


Average (Glassdoor) $82,926
Junior (Glassdoor) $52,450
Middle (Glassdoor) $76,750
Senior (Glassdoor) $95,674

According to Payscale, the average salary for web programmers will stand at $82,926 per year. It means that all Nordic countries have a similar salary range for the niche. The web developer entry level salary will be a bit lower with an average of $52,450, while seniors will get around $95,674 per year. Middle-level web developers will be earning somewhere in between with athe median of $76,750.

DACH Region

Country Glassdoor Payscale
Switzerland $110,000 $114,940
Austria $82,010 $81,334
Germany $87,212 $95,046

The DACH technology market is a patchwork of established B2C business models as well as a thriving ecosystem of B2B solutions and services. In particular, the IT landscape in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland has seen skyrocketing growth in recent years. Let’s see how those drivers influence an average web developer salary.


Average (Glassdoor) $110,000
Junior (Glassdoor) $68,560
Middle (Glassdoor) $96,450
Senior (Glassdoor) $115,300

The average salary web developer in Switzerland can get is akin to that in the United States and even higher. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, the median salary in Switzerland is almost twice the global average. This reflects the high standard of living.

Thus, people working as web designers will get around $110,000, according to Glassdoor. Junior web developer salary will also be higher than the global standard – $68,560. Companies will pay $96,450 to middle-level employees, while senior web developers will be valued at $115,300 to $163.635 in 2023.


Average (Glassdoor) $82,010
Junior (Glassdoor) $55,650
Middle (Glassdoor) $78,560
Senior (Glassdoor) $99,450

Compared to Switzerland, the average salary web developer is lower in the region. Web developer entry level salary will be $55,650, while experienced workers will get an average of $99,450. Middle-level workers are paid a median of $78,560. All totaled, the average web developer salary will reach $82,010 next year.


Average (Glassdoor) $87,212
Junior (Glassdoor) $55,400
Middle (Glassdoor) $81,300
Senior (Glassdoor) $102,340

Germany can be placed second by the average web developer salary. The nationwide standard is $87,212. Fledgling web designers are paid $55,400, while middle-level programmers skills are estimated at $81,300. Senior-level specialists will be getting $102,340 a year.

Salary of a Web Developer in Ireland

Glassdoor Payscale
Average $83,511 $84,456
Junior $49,540 $51,230
Middle $72,450 $70,300
Senior (Glassdoor) $92,450 $95,400

An average web developer salary in Ireland will stand at $83,511 in 2023. Entry level positions are offered at $49,540 per year, while middle-level positions are estimated at $72,450. Senior web developers will get around $92,450 to $95,400 per year.

Salary of a Web Developer in Ukraine DOU
Average $54,000 $52,000
Junior $24,000 $26,400
Middle $48,000 $51,600
Senior $66,000 $62,500

According to statistics, the web developer salary ranges from $52,000 to $54,000, which is the lowest number in the researched region. The starting annual wage for beginners will reach $24,000, while mid-level positions will come with athe compensation of $48,000 to $51,600. Senior-level coders will get $66.000 per year for their work.

Web developer salary in Australia

As of 2021, the Australian tech sector is the third-highest contributor to GDP, followed by healthcare, construction, and retail. Also, the sector’s contribution has grown by almost 80% since 2016 due to accelerated digital adoption during Covid-19. The demand for web talent has increased accordingly.

Glassdoor PayScale
Average web developer salary $85,450 $86,450
Junior web developer salary $57,450  $61,300
Middle web developer salary $82,450 $84,500
Senior web developer salary $103,450 $101,500

The median salary of web developer in Australia is largely defined by experience and location. Level-wise, in 2023, junior web programmers will earn between $57,450 and $61,300, while senior developers with 5+ years of experience charge up to $103,450 per year.

On average, companies will be compensating $85,950 for middle-level web design skills.

The average web developer salary will climb to $86,450, according to Payscale.

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City Glassdoor
Sydney $91,560
Melbourne $81,230
Perth $78,400
Brisbane $73,120

As for the breakdown by locations, the research demonstrates a thin margin. Thus, Sydney-based coders will charge $91,560, while in Melbourne, companies will hire web coders for $81,230 next year.

Perth is where compensation will be lower – $78,400 per year. In Brisbane, annual wages will be the lowest – $73,120 for early services.

Web developer salary in Canada

In 2021, Canada can rival the success stories of its Southern neighbor. With the influx of immigrants and VC investors, the tech sector in Canada is a heavy-hitting force. In particular, web development is one of the fastest-growing careers there.

Glassdoor Indeed
Average web developer salary $83,115 $81,000
Junior web developer salary $65,782 $71,000
Middle web developer salary $82,601 $84,657
Senior web developer salary $107,450 $100,615

According to data from Payscale, the local annual wage for web talent will be $73.394. Indeed list has a bigger amount of $81,000. The senior web developer salary in Canada ranges from $100,615 to $107,450, while the starting salary web developer will reach $68,391 per annum on average. Middle-level programmers will price their services at $82,601 to $84,657 per year.

City Glassdoor
Toronto $84,500
Montreal $75,450
Vancouver $81,230
Kitchener-Waterloo $79,230
Ottawa $83,500

Locally, the average salary web developer is more or less the same. In Toronto, the annual wages will stand at $84,500, while Ottawa boasts a median of $83,500. Kitchener-Waterloo salaries will be slightly lower – $79,230 for annual services.

At the same time, Vancouver statistics suggest annual earnings of $81,230. Montreal is the only city where web coder compensation will be slightly lower, with an average of $75,450.

Web developer salary in Israel

Israel is ranked the eighth most expensive country in the world. High costs of living are echoed in the local tendency for wage data.

Payscale Glassdoor
Average $89,450  $91,340
Junior $67,650 $52,340
Middle $85,670 $89,000
Senior (glassdoor) $100,000 $97,560

The web developer’s average salary is among the highest in our rating. Glassdoor suggests the amount of $91,340 for annual earnings. Entry level web developer salary will also be surprisingly high with an average of $52,340-$67,650. Mid-level employees get up to $89,000, while senior web designers will be paid up to $97,560-$100,000.

As we see, seniority level and location can make a difference to the annual salaries of web programmers. But there’s one implicit set of skills that also has a say in your career.

Soft skills that you need to succeed in your developer career

Soft skills are a worthwhile asset in workplaces, including web development. While an impressive stack of technical skills gives you a headstart in your career, soft skills make you a more well-rounded candidate and worker.

These qualities contribute to your productivity and complement technical competencies. This is why companies often put the accent on these skills just as often as hard as on technical know-how.

Here are the top five soft skills that will give your web development career an added tailwind:

Communication. Your communicative skills are half the battle in the software development niche. A clear and stable connection between team members ensures the long-term success of the project and helps them remain in sync with the rest of the team.

Creativity. The value of creative thinking is evident in both the general software construction process and the web design industry. This skill will help you recognize connections between seemingly unrelated notions and brew up a unique solution to address a business problem.

Collaboration and teamwork. Just like communication, healthy teamwork is of utmost importance for software developers. By sharing high-level skills and internal expertise, teams will be able to deliver a project on time and within budget.

Problem-solving. The ability to fix issues goes hand in hand with technical competence and creative thinking. Whether it’s fixing bugs or performance issues, web developers must be quick enough to determine a course of action to fix them.

Adaptability. Being change-friendly is second nature for anyone involved in the tech field. With evolving technologies and growing requirements, web designers should possess the skills and courage to pursue a development career and have a passion for lifelong learning.


With the rapid proliferation of gadget development and increasing digitalization, web development is one of the most attractive niches in the industry. The average web developer salary attests to this fact as well.

According to our research, the USA, Israel, and Switzerland offer the highest amounts to compensate for web design services. Other countries like the UK, Canada, Australia, and others take a middle position in the rating. At the same time, Ukraine offers the most affordable tech talent proficient in web development.