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These two tools are quite popular among developers — they achieve the highest scores at the podium every year in categories of “most loved, used or popular”.

But what if we oppose these two — Vue vs React? What component is going to take the lead? Both instruments offer effective methods for building different Web applications, but each has its own most relevant use cases and reacts to different enterprise needs.

In this article, we’ll analyze what those use cases can be, along with functions that make Vue.js and React software so special. You will get the answer to the lead question: “React vs Vue which is better?” Read the following text to know all about the differences between Vue and React.

Vue Short Overview

Nowadays, every business seeks to make a high-quality web solution within a short time, so the development process is bound together with choosing the best and the most preferable apps.

To put it into action, the developers choose from many JavaScript libraries and frameworks. And you can find dozens of articles about facing two, three, or four tools against each other to compare. We decided to dedicate this work to exposing the Vue vs React epic battle of technology, time management, and functionality. To make it fair, we will start with a short overview of Vue.js, and then switch to React.js.

The creators of VueJS state that kust picking the right tool will let you create anything, and with the application of the right technology, you can bring your ideas to life. Millions of developers are picking Vue as their framework since 2014.

It’s true that Vue is suitable for three categories of users: enterprises, startups, and freelancing developers as well. The tool has the exact arsenal of functions for business needs, and you can adjust it according to your project.

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Among distinctive perks of Vue, we would outline the Refined Reactivity System and Declarative Rendering which allows declaring heavy lifting to the .js framework.

Through the core library, you can manage different aspects of the work:

Vue builds on the best of standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with intuitive API and premium documentation.

You can create fast due to the simplicity of rendering. Such technology helps you to be productive and stay focused on the development of your ideas.

React Short Overview

You can try the components and see examples here.

We recommend visiting official websites as well and testing these frameworks online. And we are moving forward to see an epic collision — Vue vs React. In the end, you will see the winner!

Vue vs React: Detailed Comparison

To make an objective comparison, let’s highlight all the characteristics of picking the JavaScript framework. The developer’s community will be pleased to see the Vue js vs React comparison.


Vue.js vs React.js can be started by defining the maturity of the components. When selecting the proper tools for your web development project, select mature technologies that have already demonstrated themselves. When using green tools, there exist certain risks like bugs or vulnerabilities.

ReactJS was developed and released in 2013, thanks to Facebook. Vue.js was released a bit later, in February 2014. These two are on the market for a long time and both matured in terms of their tools.

Ongoing enhancements let React and Vue become the most useful Javascript frameworks that were employed for developing popular web products such as Instagram, Facebook, Gitlab, Trivago, and others.

Popularity and community

According to the survey of Jet Brains in 2021 among developers, these two frameworks are the most popular. Moreover, the usage of Vue.js in 2021 increased from 34% (2020) to 43% (2021). And still, React.js is the king of the hill.

Finally, in the Vue vs React popularity fight wins React with a massive advantage.

And there is the 2021 Stack Overflow Survey, where React trapped to the 1st place, becoming the top-rated tool, and Vue barely got to the 5th place.

Stackshare statistics present the most beloved aspects of React app development are components and simplicity. The less demanded tool is JSX. Some experts state that the largest trouble with JSX is that it doesn’t demand a specific code structure. The sense and UI of components are in one file, and this leads to messy code.

Development speed and Cost

At the development conception, you need to determine what JavaScript framework/ library to apply. Any website or application can be built by using both tools. The matter is development speed and costs in Vue.js vs React.js contest.

Development speed

Our background indicates that Vue.js and React have equal development speeds. The matter is that there are too many additional libraries, frameworks, and packages to help you produce the stuff rapidly.

All lay down on the developer’s shoulders and the time is testing the coding experience, knowledge, and skills of the user. So, there is no any difference in the power of these frameworks. It all depends on the developer.


The expense counts on many aspects, such as React.js development company (or Vue.js) engineers’ experience, location, seniority level, etc. To have some numbers in sense, let’s look at the average cost from the Codementor platform for both React and Vue.js.

Vue developer’s average rates:

  • Median Hourly Rate—$61-80;
  • Average Hourly Rate—$61-80.

ReactJS developer’s average rates:

  • Median Hourly Rate—$61-80;
  • Average Hourly Rate—$81-100.



Vue flexibility

As a diligent framework, Vue.js access just utilizes its most fundamental tooling to make an application, however, if it is required, Vue additionally suggests the extensive maturity of all the functionalities that you can require:

  • Vue Router for app URL management.
  • Vue.js Server-Side Renderer for Server-Side Rendering.
  • Vue for state managing.

React flexibility

React bases around UI, so originally, you get the help in building UI components.

However, ReactJS does not supply you with state management. When you are dealing with React applications, you need to operate Redux as a state managing tool. To date, MobX is also earning popularity as a ReactJS associate.

Vue is more reflexive than React both for mini and enormous applications.

Mobile development

React and mobile apps

React Native helps React innovators produce a mobile app — it is a framework for building cross-platform iOS and Android apps operating JavaScript. It does not apply WebView and HTML systems, but native components have routes in JS and are wrapped in React. IOS support for React Native is more suitable than Android, but the dynamics of Android support are rather favorable.

Moreover, React is commonly used for PWA web development. Progressive web applications are known since 2015. These apps are made with the help of web technologies (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS) but act like native mobile applications.

Vue and mobile developing

Vue.js goes alongside with NativeScript (NS), which permits you to produce cross-platform applications using CSS, JavaScript, and XML. NativeScript solves the same issue as React Native mentioned above, but they have some distinctions.

NativeScript has a straightforward pass to native platform API.
NativeScript syntax and implementation are much more comfortable for a web developer to understand using JavaScript, HTML, or CSS. XML use is also analogous to HTML in markup creation.

In conclusion, which one is better? We can say that React is more popular among mobile developers. You can see the dynamic on Google Trends.

Component approach

Basically, Vue.js and React.js enforce the same component method in development when you have one file for one component. There are still some extra elements interesting to learn.


Vue presents “single-file components”. This is like a concession regarding the division of obligations—styles, templates, and scripts are not in one document, but in 3 different ones, ordered parts.

This means you get syntax highlighting, CSS help, and the capability to use preprocessors freely like Jade or SCSS.

Various sources note that JSX is more comfortable to debug because Vue does not display syntax errors in HTML. This is not the point since Vue.js converts HTML into render positions — therefore errors are shown without concerns.


React dislocates are designated as the most promising methods. For many years, developers have attempted to separate templates and implanted JavaScript logic, but in JSX they are again combined.

It is the truth that the split of patterns and logic is just a technology division, not an obligation. You must make components rather than templates. Components are reusable, integrable, and suitable for division testing.

JSX is an extra preprocessor with an HTML-like syntax that is then ready into JavaScript. Therefore there are some exceptions – for example, you need to utilize className instead of class, because the latter is a reserved keyword in JavaScript.

JSX is a fantastic benefit for the development process, since you will have it all in the same spot, and autocomplete and inspections at the compilation phase will work snappy. When you make a misstep in JSX, ReactJS does not assemble the code and displays the line number in which the error was done.


To study the ReactJS and Vue.js performance, we go to a great js-framework-benchmark that assisted to compare both frameworks’ performance.

Duration in milliseconds ± 95% confidence interval.

And, again, in the Vue vs React performance fight the winner is obvious.

Storage data reception

Utilizing storage, we can utilize the exact data numerous times in various application components, which is significant. In this method, we do not need to construct the same procedure every time we want to gain access to the component’s data.

Nowadays, you can extract data from the Redux store with the assistance of useSelector hook. It bears a single operation that is described as a selector function. This function bears the Redux store as its argument, interprets some value from its state, and issues results back to you.

Although trenching the array might have the exact same object references every single time, the array itself is a separate reference, so the shallow equality check fails, and React Redux would re-render the wrapped piece.

Although, if you utilize it only for the principal components, you will lose the range of elements that you have to pass down to limit access to them. In reality, even with a proper quantity of container components, the number of details that you skip down remains quite extensive.

The best thing with Vue is while you are using this tool you don’t even need to think about such issues. The storage is available from all Vue components.

Also, we should notion that the transfer of props in Vue is more problematic. But still, the storage is available in all components. The amount of requisites that you must handle is rather inconsequential approximated to ReactJS. Even with a fine number of container components, the quantity of details that receive an intermediate component is quite enormous.

So, in the Vue vs React round, Vue gets a higher score.

Hiring Demand

Although Vue.js is effortless to learn (60% of the SoV 2021 respondents explain it this way), more React developers on the market are already participated in this framework and would develop projects there again.

So if there is a company’s need for a more complicated app, obtaining an experienced React architect who can jump into the task and start performing instantly can take less time. However, the range of Vue.js developers has been steadily increasing in the last 6 years, so this is becoming less demanding, too.

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Vue vs React: So Which One to Choose?

Vue.js and React are the best instruments for creating interactive user interfaces. To choose which one is better for your next project, you have to consider the factors we mentioned in this article. But the main thing is you and the case.

Pros and Cons

Should I learn Vue or React? This is a good question, and we think it would be great to know both tools. But if you have time only for one of them, you can pick accordingly the best and the worst sides.

Our Experience

What about us? The Devox Software team is using JavaScript and React.js as front-end technologies. You can see the table and understand why.

Stay toasty and keep the dev fire in your heart! Hope to see you soon on our blog.